Thursday, May 16, 2024 Sunny Breezy Warm Pretty 78 Degrees 2:52 p.m.
I am enjoying the sunny afternoon. The birds have been singing up a storm, making Sierra stop a nap and check what was going on outside. So nice to see the sun with no puddles around. We must enjoy it while it lasts. Rain predicted for tomorrow.
A quiet day around here. I have been working out a good spot for the Electric Elliptical Trainer. So far I haven’t found the perfect spot. I am about to decide that is will be going under the craft table in the craft room or under Tina’s desk in the living room. The cord is short so there isn’t much choice of how to place it for watching TV. My puzzle for the day.
I just saw a tiny lizard crawl by on the walk in front of the door. It sure was a tiny little thing. Sierra missed that. About a month ago I saw a larger, fat lizard. I don’t know where he came from but since I haven’t seen him again I believe he moved on down the road. I hope.
We have a lot of Rock Doves around here. there are a pair that can be found in our yard all day, just walking back and forth, looking for worms, seeds, etc. They don’t seem to bother anything, even the other birds. I haven’t seen where their nest is, but am thinking it might be up in the cedar tree, o in one of the neighbor’s bushes.
Like I said, not much going on around here today. I shall now go finish my search for a home for the Trainer, then dinner.
Quote of the day: “Giving encouragement to others is a most welcome gift, for the results of it are lifted spirits, increased self-worth, and a hopeful future.” Florence Littauer, 1928 , American Speaker, Writer.
Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a spectacular, interesting, adventurous, and fun day.