TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2024

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 Sunny Breezy Muggy Very Warm 87 Degrees 3:52 p.m.

How is everyone this beautiful May day?

Spring here seems like summer. I think I could say that it is hot outside and be right. And it is muggy! But, it isn’t raining and that is a plus. We shouldn’t get rain until, maybe, Thursday, and then it will be thunder storms and showers through the weekend. MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND! As far as I know we aren’t going to far this weekend. We have an eye doctor appointment Saturday morning and that is about all I know of at the moment. Since the rest of the USA is going to be on the road or in the air, staying close to home seems like a good idea. We might go play with the dogs and that is a fun way to celebrate.

Friday I spent the day in Knoxville with Dottie. She went to her therapy appointment. Afterwards we went to Tammy’s a she was home, cleaning house. At least trying to. The dogs were not helping much but they were having fun. there was a luscious mud muddle in the back yard, and Sarge and Dallas just loved playing in it. They are going on 2 years old, so are practically in their “terrible twos”. Tammy shampooed the living room rug. Dallas and Sarge came bouncing in and headed for the living room. She caught them and was herding them back in the family room (where there is tile floors) when we came in. So the first thing we did was pet dogs. Meanwhile, Tammy got a bucket and filled it half full of water. Then Sarge got to go in the kitchen and get his paws washed and dried. He didn’t mind that at all, was very good, handing her one paw at a time.paws. Afterwards he went i the living room and laid down in front of the big fan that is just for him. Now it was Dallas’s turn to get her paws washed. She doesn’t like her feet messed with so she wasn’t as corroborative. When that ordeal was over she came in the living room and got petted, told each of us how badly she had been treated, and she needed to be petted and catered to. After a bit Sarge decided it was play time so started a wrestling match with Dallas. The entertainment was on, just stay out of the way.,

Now the little dogs are wise to all the mud and paw washing so they stay in the house or, if they have to, stay on the thick, green grass and out of the mud. They get their paws dried but that is much better then getting them washed and then dried. They also stay out of the big dogs way when they are wrestling. If Murphy thinks that Sarge is hurting Dallas he will step in and try to break it up. Sarge weights close to 100 pounds and Murphy weights maybe 10. Murphy is the boss.

After we left there we went to Nix and J’s for lunch. We had the best hamburgers! They are so good, and the restaurant is always busy clear up to past closing time. The owners are so nice, friendly, and funny. They keep everyone’s drinks filled and smiles on their faces. WE go their often as it is the very best, and close to Dottie’s and to Tammy and Jerry’s. It is close to where Tina works but they only have a half hour lunch and the time to get waited on and get your lunch wouldn’t work for them. And parking is a problem as there usually isn’t one handy. The place is packed.

After a great lunch we went back to Dottie and watched TV. Max, her dog, likes the METV channel, so we watched it and old westerns. I thoroughly enjoy them. Tina came to get me and had to wait until a show was over before we could leave. She enjoys Max and the feeling is mutual so the played and didn’t seem to mind that a show has to be finished before I was ready to leave.

Quote of the day: “Love works in ways that are wondrous and strange; There is nothing in life that Love cannot change.” Helen Steiner Rice. 1900 – 1981, American Poet

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it an interesting, progressive, promising and fun day.
