FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2024

Friday, June 28, 2024 Partly Sunny Hot Breezy 90 Degrees 2:34 p.m.

A lazy summer afternoon around here. People are coming home from work, some early. I think a lot of people are going to take a whole week off for the 4th of July. So many traveling, going on vacation, or just going period. The air port is crowded with passengers waiting to leave or passengers getting off the planes and looking for the ride to where ever they are going here. My best guess is to the Smokies or to Gatlinburg. Dollywood is planning on a bit 4th of July celebration. There will be a lot going on around East Tennessee.

For us, there isn’t much in the way of traveling. We are going to try and arrange the carport so that both cars will fit in there. We will go to Jerry’s tomorrow so that he can put the license plate on Tina’s car, and I can play with the dogs. Jerry and Tammy are removing the carpets downstairs and installing laminate flooring. That will be so much easier to keep clean with the dogs.. I think they are tired of shampooing the carpets. I would be. Sunday is church and then I don’t know. More on that Monday.

There isn’t much to report on today. The debate, which I haven’t watched as yet, appears to of been a finger pointing, name drug through the mud, accusing mess. I saw a bit of it on the news this morning. I guess, from what I saw and herd, that President Biden didn’t do to well, and Past President Trump told lies. I think it depends on which side the reporters are on as to who did the worst. We recorded it so might watch it tonight.

Quote of the day: “For as the body is clad in the cloth, and the flesh in the skin, and the bones in the flesh, and the heart in the whole, so are we, soul and body, clad in the Goodness of God, and enclosed”. Julian of Norwich 1342 – 1413. British Christian.

Have a great rest of your Friday and a perfectly fantastic, safe, adventurous, cool and safe weekend.



Thursday, June 27, 2024 Sunny Humid Breezy Warm 79 Degrees 4:04 p.m.

Yesterday was “Hump Day”. I got busy and “jumped” right over the blog. I just did a bunch of little things that I had been putting off until when I had more time. So, I finished the laundry early so got busy cleaning out this and working on that, etc. Then I was also on the phone and enjoyed chatting with a Julie who I hadn’t heard from for over a week. And all of a sudden it was time to fix dinner. I was going to do Spanish rice but didn’t have time for that so I made tacos. They turned out really good. I haven’t made them for ages. Tonight we will have Spanish rice. I have plenty of taco meat left over so we shall have a Mexican Spanish Rice. I guess it can be called International. I can serve a salad with French dressing with it.

Today I have worked on scrap-booking and have made great progress on this book. Sierra helped me so it took a lot longer to accomplish what I set out to do. But, so far, it looks good. I have so much more to do. I had planned on writing stories today but didn’t get finished with the one part of the book in time to do that. So, tomorrow I will work on that project. And do floors. The house always requires attention of one sort or the other.

Tonight is the Presidential Candidates Debate. I am not sure what time they start, but if at 9:00 p.m., I will be in bed and they will have to debate without me. I have no clue as to who I will vote for when the time comes as neither of them show me that they are putting the USA before their dislike for one another. I am more interested in what each one would, if elected, like to do for our country and am defiantly not interested in their insulting one another.

Quote of the day: “Wholehearted, ready laughter heals, encourages, relaxes anyone within hearing distance. The laughter that springs from love makes wide the space around it-gives room for loved one to enter in. Real laughter welcomes, and never shuts out.” Eugenia Price, 1916 -1996. American Writer.

Have a terrific rest of your Thursday. Make it a wholesome, cheerful, kind, productive and fun rest of your day.


TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2024

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 Sunny Clear Hot Still 91 Degrees 4:36 p.m.

Another Summer day in East Tennessee. It is rather hot outside so indoors is perfect. I learned that if one needs to do any running around, it should be done before noon. This afternoon even the birds are in their nests, in the shade, out of the sun. No puppy dogs walking their people, no lizards scurrying across the front door step. All in their respective homes for their afternoon siesta.

Last evening the whole of East Tennessee, and probably the rest of Tennessee as well, was celebrating the University of Tennessee’ Baseball team as they brought home the trophy, winning the 2024 World Series Baseball series. The first one for them. All the people and fans around here are truly happy and thankful. Tennessee people are totally sports fans, especially of their own teams. All rally together, cheer them on and celebrate each team member. So wonderful to watch. I wonder how many people didn’t make it to work today because of watching the game on TV, or attending tailgate parties? So many families as well as single people went to Omaha Nebraska to watch the games in person. The crowd in Orange filled one half of the stands at the ball park there. Such a sight to see. Congratulations to the UT Baseball team.

This morning I had a Dr. appointment at 8:50 A.M. this is a new doctor, a dermatologist, as I had a cyst on my back that the regular doctor took care of bu thought I should see the dermatologist. I was there a bit early, filled out all the paper work and though I had a few minutes to wait. I was called right in. The doctor, a young lady, was very nice. She check where the cyst had been, said it was fine and that it would probably return at some point. When it does I should came in and she can get the whole thing out, including the sack. I had her check the moles I have and she said that they were not anything serious, and that they were passed down genetically. She froze several of them. I will go back in six weeks and get some more froze off. A great feeling of knowing they aren’t serious, just ugly.

Quote of the day: “Because of their age-long training in human relations- for that is what feminine intuition really is-women have a special contribution to make to any group enterprise.” Margaret Mead, 1901-1978. American Anthropologist, writer. “She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue”. Proverbs 31:26

MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2024

Monday, June 24, 2024 Sunny, Breezy Clear Hot 93 Degrees 4:13 p.m.

Summer Time and the Weather is hot. There is a bit of humidity, but not as bad as a couple of days ago. I believe we had some rain last night so the plants outside are happy. They say that there is a 33% chance of rain on Wednesday. So far everything is lush and green, flowers looking good, bright and Cheerful.

We had a good weekend. All day Saturday we were home, doing a lot of the odd jobs that get put off until “we have time”. Next week, weather permitting we will work in the car port, hoping to make room for both the cars to fit in there. I do have my doubts, but, maybe. That would be nice.

Sunday we went to church, then grocery shopping at Food City. They have the best produce. We got most of what we needed there, only forgetting one item. I can pick it up tomorrow. We relaxed the rest of the day after putting groceries away. The Vols won their game yesterday and now have to win tonight’s game. I hope and pray that they do. It will be the first in nearly 85 years. It is time, I think. Yes, we will be watching “The World Series of Collage Baseball”. They are playing Texas A&M.

Today I went to lunch with five ladies from the Bible Study group at church. We went to China Place. It was pretty good. They have an extensive menu. I had Goo Moo Pan. And Won Ton Soup. The place is nice, clean, and the service was very good. The food was prepared nicely and I will go back. The prices were very good.This group goes to lunch every 4th Monday of each month, except holidays. The bible study is the first and third Mondays of most months, and till start up again in September. A very nice and fun group of ladies.

Tomorrow I have a doctor’s appointment at 8:50 a.m. No loitering around tomorrow morning. It is here in Oak Ridge, so don’t have to go in with Tina, and that helps a lot. It is hotter in Knoxville then here so don’t mind staying here.

That is all the excitement that I know of so far. Bill, Next door, brought over a chicken and noodle dish that we will have for dinner tonight. It looks wonderful, and knowing that he is a very good cook, I am looking forward to enjoying it this evening.

Quote of the day: “What a circus we women preform every day of our lives. It puts a trapeze artist to shame.” Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 1906 – 2001, American Writer: M. Charles Lindbergh.

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a marvelous, productive, pleasant, kind, and fun day.
