Tuesday, June 4, 2024 Cloudy Raining Still Cooler 72 Degrees 3:34 p.m.

The temperature dropped from 82 to 72 when the rain arrived. It will go back up once the rain is gone. The weather person said the rain should last until at least 8:00 p.m., and that can change with the next weather report on the 5:00 p.m. news. Sun is trying to peek out, so who knows ?

We have air conditioning! The installers just finished about an hour ago, and it sure is nice in here. Sierra is curled up on the rug in front of the door, snoozing away. The upstairs windows are now closed and I am in hopes it will cool down up there before bedtime. I do have a feeling Sierra will miss her open window, but she will get over it I am sure.

I asked the gentleman who was installing the unit about the units you see on TV that are good for a room. He said that they are great but it takes some work to put them in and hooked up. He said I should ask Scott about them if and when we wanted to install them upstairs. That will be a while for sure. He said that they are great for two story homes and buildings.

Now I have to put the craft room back together. It isn’t a big job, just time consuming if Sierra wants to help. She is such a good helper that it takes longer then not having the help would take, but not as much fun. She sat and watched the guys work, then gave up and went upstairs for a nap. I was so thankful she didn’t get in their way or head out the door when it was open.

Since I have to make dinner and also put stuff away, I believe it is quote time.

Quote of the day: “A little praise is not only merest justice but is beyond the purse of no one.” Emily Post, 1873 – 1960, American writer, socialite.

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a productive, energetic, happy and fun day.
