Thursday, June 13, 2024 Sunny Still Hot Muggy 89 Degrees 5:30 p.m.

Summer temperatures are here and there is seven days until the First Day of Summer! Knoxville has cooling stations put up all over town, and the warnings are up for all to stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, wide brim hats and stay cool. It normally isn’t this hot here this early. The norm here is between 75 and 80 this time of year. It would feel like Vegas if it weren’t for the mugginess. By the way, the new HVAC works wonderfully well.

Yesterday was nice. The doctor said I was doing very well, no problems. I have lost weight, 5 pounds since December. That was nice to hear. I don’t have to visit him until December unless something comes up. I will go in and get my flu shot and whatever other is needed by November or October or September.

Dottie was feeling a bit better, but worried about Max, her dog. He had scrapped a spot under his eye so she was trying to keep it from getting infected or made worse. This morning she said it looked better. He is 14 years old. She works so hard at keeping him safe and well cared for. He is her best friend.

Tina drove my car yesterday as we had to get a new battery in it. I enjoyed the ride as she was use to her new car. It the Tesla, you push a button for the car to back up, the screen to come up, and then it goes letting up on the gas when it needs to slow down or stop. So she gets in the old car. She pushes the end of the windshield wiper handle and nothing happens. The car doesn’t start and she has this blank look on her face. I finally say, ” turn the key and it will start.” She looked at me, then did as I asked. Leaving she barely touched the break and nothing happened, so she pushed down hard and it stopped. It took her a couple of miles to get back in the grove of driving the old car, MY car. It was very amusing and we both enjoyed the good laugh, afterwards.

Quote of the day: “Take your work seriously, but never yourself.” Dame Margot Fonteyn. 1919-1991 British Ballerina.

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a thrilling, thrifty, beautiful and fun day.
