MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2024

Monday, June 17, 2024 Sunny Muggy Hot Breezy 92 Degrees 5:20 p.m.

Summer is here. It is hot and muggy, a slight hot breeze, sunshine and the swimsuit complete with pool weather. Fortunately, we have very good air conditioning so staying indoors is a pleasure. The weather person said that we might get a thunderstorm this afternoon, but so far, I haven’t seen a drop of rain nor have I heard thunder. So goes life. After watching the weather across the nation, we are just fine here.

My heart goes out to the people in California with all the fires as well as the heat. And Florida with the rain and flooding. They are having an early summer with the fires already burning over a thousand acres. Buildings lost, businesses lost and the visitors to the national park having to leave in a hurry, disrupting their Father’ Day visit and camping trip.

Speaking of Father’s Day, I hope each of you had a wonderful Father’s Day. Receiving lots of neat looking socks and ties. Of course, I don’t expect the Mom’s to of received those as it wasn’t Mom’s Day. But I am sure the Mom’s enjoyed the good food and company.

Here, Saturday Tina and I received our new glasses. It is wonderful to be able to see the computer and read everything. So awesome. I can also walk with the glasses on as well as sit and read a book, magazine and the mail. Tina is over the moon with being able to see everything clearly, read, and work on the computer without a headache. She got dark glasses as well and very much appreciates having them, especially now with all the bright sunshine. These are the best glasses, fittings, tests, and care we have had with the eyes since leaving Las Vegas and Boulder City. Thank you Lens Crafter’s and Dr. Carlson.

We then visited Jerry and Tammy, and of course the five furry family members. They are so fun and cute. We also got to see the deck that they have put around the above ground swimming pool. It is very nice. they had to put a gate on the steps as Lacy, the cute little white schnauzer as she loves to swim and will jump in given the chance. The rest could care less about the pool, steps, gate or people. So fun.

Nest we visited Dottie and Max. Max is a little better. His bruise is healing slowly so she keeps an eye on him so he doesn’t scratch it. He is loving all the attention. We took lunch so enjoyed the visit and the food. Nix and J’s have the best hamburgers and sandwiches anywhere.

Sunday we went to church, then spent the rest of the day doing odds and ends around the house, watching TV and relaxing.

Quote of the day: “Often God has to shut a door in our face, so that H can subsequently open the door through which He wants us to go.” Catherine Marshall, 1914 – 1983. American Writer.

Sigh on the wall in “The Hole in the Wall” restaurant: “Never Blame Others for the Road you’re on. That’s your own Asphalt!”

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a profitable, cool, cheerful, friendly, and fun day.
