TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 Partly Sunny Humid Still Hot 87 Degrees 4:09 p.m.

Another pre summer hot day. Not quite as hot as some, but well over the norm. So, that makes for a day with no puppy dogs going for long walks as it is to hot for their feet. The birds aren’t very active as, I believe, take long afternoon siestas. The were out this morning, singing and chattering, having a lively conversation while stocking up on their food for the day. They are very busy and cheerful as they go about their daily duties.

Today I gave in and did the laundry. The weather person said that this heat will last into next week, so no sense putting the laundry off until it cools down. It wasn’t too bad, as I got an early start and was mostly done by noon. I am thankful that we have a dryer and I don’t have to go outdoors and hang clothes. I do have to say that in Nevada, by the time the first load of clothes is hung to dry, and you go out to hang the second load, the first load is dry and ready to come in. Here, that wouldn’t work as it is to humid right now.

Today’s evening meal is going to be chicken breasts, sauteed with onions and green peppers, etc, Hoppin’ John and cilantro rice. Hoppin’ John is Blackeyed peas, peppers and onions. I think it sounds good and should be interesting. It is a southern dish. If it is good, I can get another can and save it for New Years as that is when one is supposed to have blackeyed peas.

Quote of the day: A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are for. Sail out to sea and do new things.” Grace Hopper, 1906 – 1992. American Computer Programmer.

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a taco Tuesday, an interesting, Tuesday and a fun Tuesday.
