Thursday, June 20, 2024 Partly Sunny Windy Hot Summery 89 Degrees 4:19 p.m.

WELCOME SUMMER 2024! Well, it will officially arrive in 9 minutes. Today is day 172 of the year. Today is the longest day of the year. In some areas it is the hottest day of the year. In other places it is the wettest day of the year. I hope that where ever you are, it is the best day of the year, so far.

So far this week I have been watering the plants out front using the watering can. I have been trying to get the water turned on in the spicket out front so that I can use the hose, but as of this morning, I have failed to do so. I am really puzzled as i turn off the water to that spicket every winter so that it won’t freeze, and then turn it back on in the late spring or early summer. I managed to get it off, but now I can’t manage to get it on again. The faucet to turn the spicket water on and off is located behind a panel in the living room. I am mystified. Maybe tomorrow.

Well, the silent auction at church ended Sunday. There were several nice and interesting items to bid on. I bid on a quilt, only because there was only one lady who had bid on it. Making a quilt takes time, energy, work, talent, and thought. I felt bad that there was only one bid on it so I bid $10.00 higher then the one on there. Tina had a chest that she wanted so she bid on it, and had to raise her bid a couple of times. It was a nice looking chest. Well, Sunday afternoon she gets a call, telling her that she had bid the highest on the chest and it was hers. She was, and still is, so excited about winning the chest.

Last evening was Crafts at church. We went as usual and enjoyed the company. Tina is learning how to crochet, and I am just coloring. After crafts Tina went to get her chest. It turned out to be much bigger then she thought, and she had to ask two of the men there to please carry it out to the car for her. When we got home, she had to empty the chest in order to get it out of the car and into the house. She was totally surprised at all that was in it. She knew that there was a journal bible, a throw pillow and an afghan. There was a lot more. There was two throw pillows, the afghan, a bedspread with shams, a 5 minute bible study journal, two hand towels, 2 throw rugs, to pictures to hang on the wall! In a hear shaped basket there was 1 small bottle of shampoo and 1 small bottle of conditioner, two small bars of soap, and 1 vile of lavender oil, and one hand towel. Most all of it was hand made and very nice. The soaps , etc. were bought. Someone took a lot of time, patience and thought in putting that chest together. It is well appreciated, believe me.

Quote of the day: “We do not need to search for heaven, over here or over there, in order to find our eternal Father. In fact, we do not even need to speak out loud for though we speak in the smallest whisper or the most fleeting thought, He is close enough to hear us.” Theresa of Avila . 1515 – 1582. Spanish Christian Writer. The Lord… close to all who call on Him sincerely. Psalm 145: 17 – 18.

Have a great first day of summer. Make it a cool, cheerful, enjoyable, sociable, and fun day.
