MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2024

Monday, June 24, 2024 Sunny, Breezy Clear Hot 93 Degrees 4:13 p.m.

Summer Time and the Weather is hot. There is a bit of humidity, but not as bad as a couple of days ago. I believe we had some rain last night so the plants outside are happy. They say that there is a 33% chance of rain on Wednesday. So far everything is lush and green, flowers looking good, bright and Cheerful.

We had a good weekend. All day Saturday we were home, doing a lot of the odd jobs that get put off until “we have time”. Next week, weather permitting we will work in the car port, hoping to make room for both the cars to fit in there. I do have my doubts, but, maybe. That would be nice.

Sunday we went to church, then grocery shopping at Food City. They have the best produce. We got most of what we needed there, only forgetting one item. I can pick it up tomorrow. We relaxed the rest of the day after putting groceries away. The Vols won their game yesterday and now have to win tonight’s game. I hope and pray that they do. It will be the first in nearly 85 years. It is time, I think. Yes, we will be watching “The World Series of Collage Baseball”. They are playing Texas A&M.

Today I went to lunch with five ladies from the Bible Study group at church. We went to China Place. It was pretty good. They have an extensive menu. I had Goo Moo Pan. And Won Ton Soup. The place is nice, clean, and the service was very good. The food was prepared nicely and I will go back. The prices were very good.This group goes to lunch every 4th Monday of each month, except holidays. The bible study is the first and third Mondays of most months, and till start up again in September. A very nice and fun group of ladies.

Tomorrow I have a doctor’s appointment at 8:50 a.m. No loitering around tomorrow morning. It is here in Oak Ridge, so don’t have to go in with Tina, and that helps a lot. It is hotter in Knoxville then here so don’t mind staying here.

That is all the excitement that I know of so far. Bill, Next door, brought over a chicken and noodle dish that we will have for dinner tonight. It looks wonderful, and knowing that he is a very good cook, I am looking forward to enjoying it this evening.

Quote of the day: “What a circus we women preform every day of our lives. It puts a trapeze artist to shame.” Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 1906 – 2001, American Writer: M. Charles Lindbergh.

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a marvelous, productive, pleasant, kind, and fun day.
