FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 2024

Friday, June 21, 2024 Sunny Windy Hot Dryer 91 Degrees 4:41 p.m.

It is Friday. The weekend is here. It will be a hot one so they say. I don’t understand why so many want to go to the beach on a hot summer’s day, where there is no shade, a zillion people, sharks swimming in the water along with the people, tons of sand that is hot. I just don’t see the “cooling down” part in that???

This weekend there are a few big events. The Tennessee VOLS are striving to be number one in collage Baseball. Come Monday Morning the whole world will know who the Number one Collage Baseball team is. I hope it is the Tennessee Vols. They play Texas A & M Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. You know what will be on our TV on those days. Oklahoma City has been host to all the Collage Baseball teams and I am sure that they have enjoyed every minute of it. The Collage World Series Baseball!

Sure hope that you have a fun, safe, interesting, COOL, and wonderful weekend. Drink plenty of fluids (WATER) AND STAY HYDRATED.

Quote of the day: “I believe the second half of one’s life is meant to be better then the first half. The first half is finding out how you do it. And the second half is enjoying it.” Frances Lear, 1923 – 1996. American Businesswoman, Publisher.

Have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy, stay cool, Relax and have fun.



Thursday, June 20, 2024 Partly Sunny Windy Hot Summery 89 Degrees 4:19 p.m.

WELCOME SUMMER 2024! Well, it will officially arrive in 9 minutes. Today is day 172 of the year. Today is the longest day of the year. In some areas it is the hottest day of the year. In other places it is the wettest day of the year. I hope that where ever you are, it is the best day of the year, so far.

So far this week I have been watering the plants out front using the watering can. I have been trying to get the water turned on in the spicket out front so that I can use the hose, but as of this morning, I have failed to do so. I am really puzzled as i turn off the water to that spicket every winter so that it won’t freeze, and then turn it back on in the late spring or early summer. I managed to get it off, but now I can’t manage to get it on again. The faucet to turn the spicket water on and off is located behind a panel in the living room. I am mystified. Maybe tomorrow.

Well, the silent auction at church ended Sunday. There were several nice and interesting items to bid on. I bid on a quilt, only because there was only one lady who had bid on it. Making a quilt takes time, energy, work, talent, and thought. I felt bad that there was only one bid on it so I bid $10.00 higher then the one on there. Tina had a chest that she wanted so she bid on it, and had to raise her bid a couple of times. It was a nice looking chest. Well, Sunday afternoon she gets a call, telling her that she had bid the highest on the chest and it was hers. She was, and still is, so excited about winning the chest.

Last evening was Crafts at church. We went as usual and enjoyed the company. Tina is learning how to crochet, and I am just coloring. After crafts Tina went to get her chest. It turned out to be much bigger then she thought, and she had to ask two of the men there to please carry it out to the car for her. When we got home, she had to empty the chest in order to get it out of the car and into the house. She was totally surprised at all that was in it. She knew that there was a journal bible, a throw pillow and an afghan. There was a lot more. There was two throw pillows, the afghan, a bedspread with shams, a 5 minute bible study journal, two hand towels, 2 throw rugs, to pictures to hang on the wall! In a hear shaped basket there was 1 small bottle of shampoo and 1 small bottle of conditioner, two small bars of soap, and 1 vile of lavender oil, and one hand towel. Most all of it was hand made and very nice. The soaps , etc. were bought. Someone took a lot of time, patience and thought in putting that chest together. It is well appreciated, believe me.

Quote of the day: “We do not need to search for heaven, over here or over there, in order to find our eternal Father. In fact, we do not even need to speak out loud for though we speak in the smallest whisper or the most fleeting thought, He is close enough to hear us.” Theresa of Avila . 1515 – 1582. Spanish Christian Writer. The Lord… close to all who call on Him sincerely. Psalm 145: 17 – 18.

Have a great first day of summer. Make it a cool, cheerful, enjoyable, sociable, and fun day.



Wednesday, June 19, 2024 Partly Sunny Slight Breeze Hot 86 Degrees 4:40 p.m.

Happy Juneteenth! Make it a true day of unity and freedom for all!

Another hot and humid pre summer day in East Tennessee. I am not complaining as to the North it is hotter, out west they have fires, down south there is a tropical storm brewing and has sent tons of rain ahead of its’ landing. It isn’t summer until tomorrow and the summer weather has been here all month long it seems. Maybe an early fall?

The “Hoppin” John was very good. We will be buying more cans of that. The chicken was also good and the rice also. Dinner last evening turned out well. Tonight we are having Tuna Salad on a lettuce leaf with crackers and ice tea. We have crafts at church so needed something quick, easy and light. We had leftovers from last nights’ dinner for lunch today so neither of us are hungry for a big meal.

It has been a quiet day around here. Very little activity in this neighborhood that I have seen. The humidity plus heat keeps people in and enjoying their air conditioning. The animals don’t want to be out in it either so no floor shows for awhile, I guess.

Quote of the day: “A painting (is) a symbol for the universe. Inside it, each piece relates to the other. Each piece is only answerable to the rest of that little world. So probably in the total universe, there is the kind of total harmony but we get only little tastes of it.” Coreta Kent, 1918 – 1986. American artist

Have a great rest of your Hump Day. Make it a super cheerful, adventurous, productive, sociable and fun day.


TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 Partly Sunny Humid Still Hot 87 Degrees 4:09 p.m.

Another pre summer hot day. Not quite as hot as some, but well over the norm. So, that makes for a day with no puppy dogs going for long walks as it is to hot for their feet. The birds aren’t very active as, I believe, take long afternoon siestas. The were out this morning, singing and chattering, having a lively conversation while stocking up on their food for the day. They are very busy and cheerful as they go about their daily duties.

Today I gave in and did the laundry. The weather person said that this heat will last into next week, so no sense putting the laundry off until it cools down. It wasn’t too bad, as I got an early start and was mostly done by noon. I am thankful that we have a dryer and I don’t have to go outdoors and hang clothes. I do have to say that in Nevada, by the time the first load of clothes is hung to dry, and you go out to hang the second load, the first load is dry and ready to come in. Here, that wouldn’t work as it is to humid right now.

Today’s evening meal is going to be chicken breasts, sauteed with onions and green peppers, etc, Hoppin’ John and cilantro rice. Hoppin’ John is Blackeyed peas, peppers and onions. I think it sounds good and should be interesting. It is a southern dish. If it is good, I can get another can and save it for New Years as that is when one is supposed to have blackeyed peas.

Quote of the day: A ship in port is safe, but that is not what ships are for. Sail out to sea and do new things.” Grace Hopper, 1906 – 1992. American Computer Programmer.

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a taco Tuesday, an interesting, Tuesday and a fun Tuesday.
