Partly Cloudy Very Humid (89%) Breezy 92 Degrees 3:05 p.m.

Here, as with the rest of the country, it is summer time and the temperatures want to prove it. While our temperatures don’t look nearly as high as Nevada and Arizona, the humidity brings up the heat index to over 100 degrees. I believe they said ours would feel like 105 degrees. I went outside and I believe them. Here, the air is very heavy. Inside, the air is wonderful, cool and comfy! I’m an indoor girl today!

The 4th of July around our neighborhood was comparatively quiet. We heard a few fire crackers and some of the fireworks but not many and defiantly not bad. We went to Jerry’s and enjoyed a great meal, watched the dogs put on a show for us. They are so funny, loving and just plain great dogs. They were warm also, so spent a lot of time in front of fans or laying on the air conditioning vents. Sierra does the same thing here . Tammy and Jerry put out fans for the big dogs and they all but crawl in them.

Here, Saturday morning as we were sitting, watching the birds and enjoying our morning coffee, Tina was discussing her small desk and thinking that she would like one that was “L” shaped. I suggested going to Karns as I had seen a couple there when I went to donate a bag of stuff. I always go in and look around just for the fun of it. Anyhow, we got dressed and headed to Karns. There was one there ,and she bought it. We brought it home and proceeded to put it together. After getting everything out of the box, we called Charles. Shortly he came over. I felt bad as he had a finger that didn’t feel good, and he didn’t fee; to good either. But he proceeded to help Tina put it together. The directions were great but confusing, so they managed to get all the screws in the wrong place. At that point Charles went home and Tina sat down to think about taking them all out. That she did, then went to the TV room and there was the end of the desk assembling.

Sunday morning she was up bright and early and hard at the task of putting the desk together. She worked on it until time to get ready for church, and had the two main parts together. After church, we picked up hamburgers and went to Jerry and Tammy’s. They had been busy laying new flooring in the dining room and living room, so were ready for a break and lunch. Tina told them that she had bought a desk at Karns and thought it was brand new as it was stilled in it’s original packaging. She told him how far she had gotten with putting it together and was saving the rest for him when he came over one day. She can’t figure out where a couple parts go, or rather how they go. That was the weekend.

Now, it is already Tuesday and close to time for Tina to get off work and home. She will be ready as she doesn’t care to much for the heat. Dinner is leftovers and that is easy. Nothing like ice water to drink and ice cream for desert. Dinner is rice, beets, kabasa and a salad.

Quote of the day: “Prayer is the way to open ourselves to God, and the way in which He shows us our unstable hearts and begins to strengthen them.” Theresa of Avila, 1515 – 1582. Spanish Christian Writer.

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a fantastic, cheerful, cool, and fun day.
