A mostly sunny hot day. But the humidity is just 60 % and that isn’t bad. It is 3:45 p.m. and the temperature is 94 degrees. We do need rain, but maybe next week.
All the grass is turning brown and the leaves are drooping, so that is not a good thing. The weatherman said that next week we should get rain. Some places along the east coast are flooding and that isn’t good either. As they say, feast or famine. Enjoy today because we don’t know what tomorrow will bring. I do know that God is in charge and His will will be done.
The grilled chicken turned out very nice and was tasty and not dry. Tonight we are having chicken fried rice, (from Trader Joe’s) so an easy meal tonight. I will throw in a salad. We have cookies, ice cream or watermelon for desert.
Around here it has been quiet. I haven’t seen the mailman yesterday or so far today. Tina stopped for the mail yesterday and there was none. We shall see if there is any in the box tonight. He comes at different hours or not at all, so one never knows. The mail is defiantly not dependable.
We are planning on a “stay home” weekend. there are a few things that need attention and we both have crafts started that need to be worked on. So we shall see how that goes. Even one day is a big help. Sunday is church so I know that we will go there. A trip to Walmart will be needed and possibly Hobby Lobby. We shall see.
Quote of the day: “Courage…is when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.” Harper Lee , 1926…. American Writer, Pulitzer Prize Winner.
Have a great rest of your Friday, and a fun filled, adventurous, educational, industrious, energetic and enjoyable weekend.l