FRIDAY, JULY 19, 2024

The weekend is here. The clouds are here. The rain might arrive later tonight. Right now the time is 5:27 p.m. and the temperature is 83 degrees. The humidity is 53 % so not bad at all. There is a slight breeze and that makes it feel nice outdoors.

The grass is looking a little bit better. We are to have rain showers all next week, so that should help, I hope. We have three daises left on the plant, so hope that more come up soon. They are so pretty. I do hope that the trees start looking better. They are still a bit droopy. If it rains all weekend and next week that should help them. The rain will be showers, not a steady downpour they say.

Al Roker said that Las Vegas will be 114 on Sunday. It is July in the desert, but that is way to hot. Death Valley has got to be 130 or more. That is one place no one wants to go in the summer. Scottie’s Castle is a great place to visit in the winter, or late fall, early spring. I believe they have that road open again. It was closed for a long time due to a washout a few years ago. The road to the Castle itself is narrow, one car at a time so maybe they fixed that problem also.

Well, did you all survive the big Microsoft IT Glitch? That made for a very interesting and trying day for a whole bunch of people, world wide. Our lives are all tied up in the computers, and we really don’t know what to do without them. Our money in the banks and Wall Street, Our medical records at the doctors or the hospitals. The groceries on the shelves, the children’s school records, the air planes, trains, buses..street lights, cars, most everything. Television and Radios. Refrigerators! Credit cards and bill paying. Hm-mm! This glitch was caused by the company that protects all the Microsoft computers and a few other companies.

Now to fix dinner and get prepared for our trip to Nashville tomorrow. That is so exciting to think about. Dottie is looking forward to seeing all the Country Music Stars. I think that will be at the Country Music Museum. That would be my guess. I doubt that they roam the streets and hang out just to meet the public. We shall see. It would be nice.

Quote of the day: “We rely upon the poets, the philosophers, and the playwrights to articulate what most of us can only feel, in sorrow. They illuminate the thoughts for which we only grope.” Helen Hayes, 1900 – 1993. American Author

Have a great weekend. Enjoy the relaxing summer weather. Do the fun things, swimming, picnicking, hiking, boating, reading, BBQ-ING, going on vacation, exploring, and having fun. That is what summer is for.
