MONDAY, JULY 22, 2024

A beautiful summer day in East Tennessee. Mostly cloudy, rain showers expected with thunder storms due around 5:00 p.m. The wind is blowing and the flags are billowing. That thunder storm might arrive a bit early. The temperature is 86 degrees and the humidity is around 75 %.

The weekend is over. It was an adventurous, exciting, entertaining, exercising, educational, and fun weekend. Tammy and her parents picked Tina and I up about 9:30 Saturday morning. We headed towards Nashville and were doing just fine when we started slowing down as Tammy spotted two long lines of break lights in front of us. The slowdown turned to into a full stop! After sitting there for about twenty minutes, we started inching forward, very slowly. We would go a foot, maybe two, then stop. We chatted. Then Tammy said that there was road rage behind us. A Green mustang had it’s emergency lights on and was trying to go up the emergency lane. A SUV and a Black pickup truck were trying to stop the mustang. I believe the SUV wanted to stop the mustang and the pickup was trying to keep it from doing so. Tammy got over in the left hand lane to get out of their way just in case the rage intensified. Soon we were able to keep moving, slowly, then at full speed. We saw where a vehicle had come over from the est bound lanes that were up on a mountain, through the guard rails, down the hill, through the guard rails across out west bound lanes of traffic, through the guard rails and over through the trees. We never saw the vehicle(s) as by the time we got there all evidence was cleaned up except the tracks and broken guard rails.

It was smooth sailing from there on out. We stopped at a Zackb’s (sp) for lunch and then headed out again. We settled on touring the Country Music museum that afternoon. What an interesting place that was. So many country start, Bluegrass stars, Movie with Country start in them, two rooms with walls lined six row deep with gold and platinum all around the area… room sort of. The trophies were in the area where the star was shown. Most had several grammys, best this and best that, what ever. Very impressive. There were the artists, the song writers, the directors,….There were groups, bands, orchestras, anyone who had anything to so with the Country Music Business. It all was so very impressive. Taking pictures is a bit hard because of all their lights on everything. I hope to have some ready to share soon.

Quote of the day: “NOTHING IN LIFE IS TO BE FEARED. IT IS ONLY TO BE UNDERSTOOD.” Marie Curie, 1867 1934. Polish-born French Physicist. O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! Romans 11:33

The Nashville trip is to be continued in Tuesday’s edition of my blog.

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a positive, productive, pleasant, kind, and fun day.
