A mostly rainy day, temperature right now is 73 degrees, high humidity,and the time is 4:41 p.m. A nice summer day. The grass is looking much better as are the trees and shrubs. We still need rain though. I guess it takes a lot to keep all the forests, lakes, rivers and streams beautiful.

I am not continuing my Nashville story until I go through the pictures and get things correct. Yesterday I said it was the Knight Riders car. In truth it is the Smokey and the Bandit’s car. The Chevrolet Bonneville belonged to Web Peirce and had the pistol car door handles, shotgun or riffle fenders. What a neat car. I knew the make of the car and all, but couldn’t remember who it belonged to. At any rate, I will do a bit more studying of the pictures I took and then pick up from there.

Today I have been busy cleaning out the space under the stairs where our hot water heater is located. It is showing major signs of wearing out. Jerry said that if all went well he would be over this weekend and we could drain it and see if that would prolong its’ life for a couple of months. From the paperwork I found in there I believe it is about 25 years old. That is a pretty long life for a hot water heater, I believe.

We aren’t going to Crafts this evening due to 1. rain, 2. don’t want to drag all the stuff out and back in, 3. tired. It has been a busy day, and week, and month. Next week will be better as there will be more people there. Three or four of the members play Bunco tonight so won’t be there. One lives in Clinton so probably won’t be there due to the rain. The other one probably won’t be there due to rain as she lives up on the hill.

Yesterday we had a fugitive running loose around here so was in the house with the doors locked all day. They caught him late yesterday afternoon, about a mile or two from the house. Today I have had the doors open and sure have enjoyed it. Our screen doors are solid glass. Outside of cleaning them, I love them.

Quote of the day: “If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” Anne Bradstreet, 1612 – 1672. American Writer.

Have a wonderful Wednesday evening. Enjoy the rain, or sunshine or whatever your weather is. In only 60 days Autumn will arrive and the weather will change. Time sure flies when one is having fun. Make your evening a adventurous, relaxing, interesting and fun one.
