FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2024

A cloudy and warm day. No rain, slight breeze and 85 Degrees. the time is 3:58 p.m. The sun is trying to peek out through the clouds but it is weak and not quite able to get to far. Maybe tomorrow. No rain due until Sunday.

It seems funny to have it be July and the school buses dropping kids off at the school bus stop here. Oak Ridge schools started last Monday. Knoxville schools start next week. I wonder whatever happened to school starting right after Labor Day (September) and ending just before Memorial Day (May)?? At one time year round school was a choice. I believe now it is a normal school calendar time. At least it seems like it around here. Its’ not a bad thing. The kids don’t forget as much doing it this way and they get more breaks during the school year.

This evening we get to watch the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics. I believe it will be interesting to watch then float down the river on decorated barges. So different from the normal parade that they usually start the Olympics with. So many Americans are there to watch and partake in the historic event. So many citizens of France won’t make it due to the fast trains being terrorized last night. There was a fire and I am not sure what else, but the announcer said that it would be Monday before all the trains would be back running. This is a sad start to the gala events of the next two weeks.

The weekend is here, and we have no plans. It seems unusual to not have something going on someplace. Jerry and Tammy will be continuing the laying of their new floors. The downstairs is going to be so beautiful with the new floors. I doubt they will be covered with Dallas’s hair. She shed the worst of the five dogs, I believe. I know that dust mopping, sweeping and vacuuming up all that hair is easier on the floor then on the carpet. Sierra sheds a lot also, and it is easier to clean up down here on the floor then upstairs on the carpet.

As for us, we will be doing odd jobs around the house, playing on the computer, watching TV and reading. Church on Sunday. What exciting plans do you have?

Quote of the day: “Allow your dreams a place in your prayers and plans. God-given dreams can help you move into the future. He is preparing for you.” Barbara Johnson, 1927 – 2007 American Writer, Speaker.

Have a great rest of your Friday, and a joyful, adventurous, relaxing and fun weekend.
