Another scorcher of a summer day here in Oak Ridge. We hit 98 yesterday and are do to be a bit hotter today. Right now it is 95 degrees and the time is 4:25 p.m.. I believe the weekend will start a downward temperature slide to back in the 80’s. I do hope so. I haven’t minded this as I have been in the house and haven’t had to go out much. I have heard the weather on the radio and the TV, so know how miserable it has been and is for so many people, and for the animals. There is a slight breeze right now and maybe that helps a little.

Tomorrow there won’t be a blog. Tomorrow is the Field Trip. I still know nothing more and am still curious as to where we are going. I am considering what to wear. Jerry said that I should wear clothes and shoes that I won’t care if they get dirty. I have a 30 year old tee shirt that I can wear. I doubt that I would care if it gets dirty. I will, I believe, will wear light blue genes that are older and I doubt I would care if they get dirty. And my Sketcher tennis. They clean up nicely and are comfortable.

It is supposed to be hot again tomorrow (94-100) so will take a straw hat with a wide brim, and am going to look to see if I happen to still have any of those neck scarfs that you soak in water and they keep you cool. I had several in Nevada but haven’t thought of then for here until now. I will take a sweater as one never knows when one is needed. So many places have the air conditioning set on freezing, so a sweater is very necessary. I know that Jerry, Tammy, and Tina don’t think it gets that cold, but Dottie and I do. Must be that we have thinner blood then they do. I am getting excited to see what and where this field trip is going to be.

I have a great imagination and can imagine anyplace from the mountains and hiking to the lake shore looking for shells. There are so many interesting places here in Tennessee and surrounding states that an adventure is always close. I can’t wait to ad this to the memory book.

I haven’t accomplished a great deal today. I am working in the craft room, putting things away and seeing what I have for one of my projects that I am working on. We did a blanket at crafts last night, It is a cute bumble bee. That went well so we might do at least one each Wednesday and get as many done as we can before the 28 of September. That day we are hoping several will show up to come and cut, tie . Then we can get them washed. They will be delivered to the Children’s hospital in October. The Chaplin at the Oak Ridge Hospital said that they could use some here also, so we will probably make some for this hospital also. And there are three ladies in our church who have cancer so will make them each a blanket.

Quote of the day: “To be a joy-bearer and a joy-giver says everything, for in our life, if one is joyful, it means that one is faithfully living for God, and that nothing else counts; and if one gives joy to others one is doing God’s work with joy without and joy within, all is well….I can conceive no higher way.” Janet Erskine Stuart, 1857 – 1914. British Member of Religious of the Sacred Heart.

Time to go start dinner. Have a great rest of your Thursday, and a fantastic Labor day Weekend. Make it a safe, healthy, adventurous, enjoyable, and fun one.


A sunny, slightly breezy, dry, and hot day. We are under the ozone air quality alert, so we are to stay indoors as much as possible, young children, Senior Citizens and people with chronic illness and immune systems. In other words, most everybody. The air Conditioning is good so not a problem for me. The temperature is 95 degrees and the time is 3:47 p.m. I do believe the breeze helps a bit.

I understand there is a fire in the Smokies, but don’t know where or how bad. Tina said she could almost see the smoke from where she is in Knoxville. Alexia said that the fire is located east of Bryson City, NC. That is a ways from here.

WE have crafts this evening so have to get ready for that. I understand we are going to learn how to tie a blanket. I think we are supposed to show them how to tie a blanket. It should be interesting as we will need at least 2 6 ft. tables and room. so far we haven’t had room to do anything like that. I know that we are set up for the room and tables on September 28th. More on that subject tomorrow.

Other then that, I know not much. It has been a quiet day. Pamela popped in on her way to the doctor and then home. She showed me a picture of her sweet kitten. It is so cute, and very active. It gets along well with the two dogs and the other cat. She has a lovely furry family.

Quote of the day: ” We don’t need soft skies to make friendship a joy to us. What a heavenly thing it is; World without end, truly. I grow warm thinking of it, and should glow at the thought if all the glaciers of the alps were heaped over me! Such friends God has given me in this little life of mine!” Celia Laighton Thaxter. 1835 -1894. American Poet

Have a great rest of your Hump day. Make it s joyful, positive, pleasant, productive, and fun day,



Summer time and the heat is back again, with an air quality alert. It is hazy out, 93 degrees and no breeze. Nothing is stirring outside, no birds, or lizards, or dogs. Not even people, with the exception of those coming home from work. I guess the dogs will get walked after the sun goes down. I noticed this morning that they were walking them on the grass. That is so good as their paws can burn on the pavement.

Today was laundry day and we had a lot. it took me until after 2:00 p.m., and I started before 6:30 a.m. I did do bathroom rugs and the extra things like that. There is just the two of us that live here, but I notice that the bathroom throw rugs get dirty from just us walking on them, and Sierra laying on them. She walks on them and brings her toys on them occasionally. We haven’t had doggie company for a couple of weeks so can’t blame them. WE have had two legged company so that might of helped with it.

Tina is home and Sierra is telling her all about the day. She greets her and keeps her posted on everything that went on while she was gone. I wonder just what she is saying. Probably “I’m glad your are home. I hope you had a good. I missed you! Now feed me dinner.” Tina obeys and go upstairs to change her clothes, then now and feeds Sierra her dinner. She is just slightly spoiled.

Quote of the day: “The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach our eagerly without fear for newer and richer experiences.” Eleanor Roosevelt, 1884 – 1962. American First Lady, Humanitarian.

Have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday. Make it a cool, pleasant, relaxing, interesting and fun one.



The last week of August, close to the end of summer. Today is the 230th day of the year, leaving 127 left in the year of 2024. Time sure does fly. So today we have a breeze, lots of sunshine, with 89 degrees at 4:21 p.m. Not to shabby for a late August day.

The weekend was busy. Tina worked four hours on Saturday. I rode in to Knoxville with her. She dropped me off at Dottie’s as we were going shopping when she got off work. Dottie and I visited, catching up on everything since we hadn’t seen each other for a couple of weeks. When Tina got there we started out. First thing Tina needed to do was get the car charged. Normally she gets that done at home but sometime during the night the power went off, Tina’s phone updated and somehow or other messed everything up. So, we found a Tetra charging station and got the car charged up in no time. I admired at the price as it was $12.00 to charge it up to 80 %. That is the most you can charge it up to. Much less expensive then a tank of gas.

After that we went to Joanne’s for the blanket kits. They are still on sale. Tina got 4 this time. I am so excited that there are so many people interested in this project. The plan is 100 tie blankets for children, and they will all go to the Children’s Hospital in Knoxville. I am also quite surprised at how many ladies have no idea what a tie blanket. I thought the whole world knew about them and was making them.

After that we went to lunch at Twin peaks. It was loud, but had good food. It is a sports bar and grill. The food was good, but to be able to hear , sitting outside would of been a better choice. Lesson learned.

Then to Walmart, where we got a bunch of pictures printed. Then back to Dottie’s, where Max gave her a good “barking to for leaving him”. Then back to Oak Ridge, a stop at Hobby Lobby, a stop at Bo Jangles for chicken, and finally home. Not much to carry in and that was good. We were looking for electric scissors but no place we were at had them. I guess they can be bought on line. I Googled them and there are plenty on line. One of the ladies who wants to work with the blankets thinks that they would work swell cutting then fleece, but I don’t think so. We shall see. I have a pair and I can try it out.

Sunday was church, grocery shopping, and home. The rest of the day was spent putting groceries away and relaxing. We binged watched N.C.S.I. Old ones for sure. Dinner was leftover chicken from Saturday evening. So good.

Now it is close to time for Tina to get home. I had lunch with the bible study group at a small Mexican restaurant here in Oak Ridge. There are at least 6 Mexican Restaurants here.

Quote of the day: “The music soars within the little lark, And the lark soars.” Elizabeth Barrett Browning, 1806 – 1861, British Poet. “You have done so much for me O Lord. No wonder I am glad! I sing for joy. O Lord, what miracles You do! And how deep are your thoughts!” Psalm 92: 4-5

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it enjoyable, productive, Pleasant, safe and fun.
