Another day of mixed weather…Rain, Clouds, Sunshine, Wind, and then start all over again. We had a couple good storms over night with thunder, lightening, rain, then quiet for a bit, and here it came again. The lightening lit up my bedroom which woke me up, briefly, then the thunder came and the rain. We had a couple more showers this morning. Not it is windy, mostly cloudy with the sun weakly showing here and there. I am sure we shall get another storm sometime between now and 8:00 p.m.

I just talked to son Jimmy who said that they have had some pretty rough weather in Yuma. He said there was strong winds that toppled trees, took off a few shed roofs, and raised havoc around town. It took part of their lemon tree so they now have to cut it down. And, they have had rain and more rain. Now it is hot, 114, and humid there. He said that it was the monsoon season.

Son Jerry was here this afternoon and put up the fired detector in the upstairs hall. We so appreciate him and his help with the things we aren’t able to accomplish. He also assembled and put in place the shower caddie. I have had a small little plastic stand in there since we had that room remodeled and finally remembered to get the stand on a spring that goes from shower floor to ceiling, with the three tray things to hold shampoo, etc. That is so much better, believe me.

No big plans for the weekend. We have plenty of projects around the house to work on so hope that we get a couple of them done. Sunday is church, and we might go see Jerry and Tammy’s new floors that they just completed. I am so eager to see them. And to play with the dogs. And, yes, there is a chance of rain again tomorrow.

Quote of the day: “Life is not intended to be simply a round of work, no matter how interesting and important that work may be. A moment’s pause to watch the glory of a sunrise or a sunset is soul satisfying, while a bird’s song will set the steps to music all day long.” Laura Ingalls Wilder, 1967 1957. American Children’s writer.

Have a wonderful rest of your Friday and weekend. Make it a adventuress, energetic, relaxing and fun weekend. Also safe.
