A lovely summer day here in East Tennessee. No clouds, no rain, some wind, and plenty of sunshine. At this moment it is 91 degrees and the time is 5:10 p.m. How is it in your neck of the woods?

We had a good weekend. The house got a bit of attention, watched some of the Olympics, paid a visit to Walmart, ( we wouldn’t want them to forget us). Sunday was church, which was good as usual, then we picked Dottie up and went to lunch. After Hamburgers at Wendy’s we went to Jerry and Tammy’s. Their new floors look lovely. They did the work themselves and did a fabulous job. Tammy has put some very nice runners in the walkway between the living room and dining room which help with the dogs and their sliding on the floors. I believe their is one going through the kitchen also.

It was fun to sit and visit with them and to play with the dogs. They were mostly into being petted and having belly rubs as they were so hot. But, attention is most important and we made sure they each got their share from us. Lacy was my special pup for the day as she stayed right up on me. She is a sweet puppy dog and I didn’t mind at all. I was going to bring her home with us but they reminded me that she barks at every stop sign, stop light and at anything driving by. So, I changed my mind.

We took Dottie home and Tina went in and visited with Max a minute. I stayed in the car as she was parked in the driveway, blocking the people who live behind. I will go in one day and visit with Max and Dottie. Max and Tina have a special bind it seems. I won’t park in the driveway.

Today, I have spent upstairs, cleaning my bathroom. What should of taken maybe 30 minutes but has taken me all day. I did empty and clean out every cupboard, drawer, nook and cranny, which all took time. Then I went to vacuum the floor and the hose spews dirt and dust all over, so had that to clean up. I had to go downstairs and get the other vacuum to do that. Then mop.

I had an e-mail from Glenda. she said that she had helped a friend with her yard sale. It reminded her that she wasn’t going to bring anything new into her home as her family would just have to get rid of it when she has passed on. but that would also be cheating a lot of folks out of a fun day of yard saleing.

Pamela came over for a few to show me her hair cut. It looks so nice. I was shocked that she got it cut as it was so long and flowed so pretty. It is still pretty but not as long, just shoulder length now. I am sure it will grow fast.

Quote of the day: “Love is something like the clouds that were in the sky before the sun came out. You cannot touch the clouds, you know; but you feel the rain and know how glad the flowers and the thirsty earth are to have it after a hot day. You cannot touch love either; but you feel the sweetness that it pours into everything.” Anne Sullivan, 1866-1936, American Educator. Noted as Helen Keller’s teacher.

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a cheerful, kind, adventurous, productive, and fun day.
