Another warm summer day here in Oak Ridge. It is 3:33 p.m. and 92 Degrees. Not a leaf is string, so no breeze. I did see a small lizard crawl across the sidewalk out front. I think the pavement is hot as he was going pretty fast. The lizards here are pretty , a deep blue stripe down the middle of their back and the rest is like a sliver gray. I do believe that they are harmless but I don’t bother them so don’t really know. Sierra would like to get better acquainted but I refuse to let them meet face to face. There is always a glass door between them.

Today was laundry day. One day I will get it back to Monday’s and that might put me back on schedule. As it is, today was fine. Next Monday the hot water heater is due to be installed and the old weepy one removed. I am sure that it will be happy to be retired. I know I will be re leaved to have a new one in here. I sure hope this one lasts until then. I do not want to mop up a lake.

Nothing else is going on. Sierra is waiting for Tina to come home. She is at the back door, looking out and watching for Tina. It is fun to watch her greet Tina when she comes in the door. Sierra has all kinds of things to tell her and questions to ask. Also, being petted is first and foremost. In some ways she is like a puppy dog, glad to see you and wanting the first words and petting, She is so fun.

This evening is Crafts so will make this short and get on with dinner. No being lazy this evening.

Quote of the day: “Choices can change our lives profoundly. the choice to mend a broken relationship, to say “yes” to a difficult assignment, to lay aside some important work to play with a child, to visit some forgotten person – these small choices may affect many lives eternally.” Gloria Gaither, 1942 – American Writer, Singer/songwriter.

Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Make it a super fun, enjoyable, relaxing summer day.
