A mostly sunny day with high clouds playing hide and seek. There is a breeze and it is warm, 85 degrees. The time is 5:17 p.m. All in all a pleasant day. The humidity is low and that makes it a lovely day. Tina just got home and said that it was very nice outside.

It has been a quiet day. I cleaned off the carport as we get leaves that blow in from across the turnpike. I was trying to get rid of the spots of rust that was left from the hot water heater they took out yesterday. I didn’t do very well but will continue working on it and hopefully they will eventually go away. If now, we will paint the floor of the carport. Probably not, but it does sound good.

This morning I went out and watered the plants. No rain until MAYBE this weekend. The plants need to be watered at least every other day to keep them green and pretty. Our Holly bush is looking good and growing big. It will need to be trimmed soon.

Not a great deal going on around here today. Tomorrow son Jeffery has major surgery so will be waiting to hear how that goes. I would like to of been there but I am no help at the moment and would just be in the way. I can’t walk the dog as she would leave me laying someplace if she saw a squirrel or a jack rabbit. She is a beautiful dog and minds very well up to the point of seeing a squirrel. Then the chase is on unless you are strong enough to hold her back.

Qoute of the day: “God…..is greater than your problems. He can solve them all. Put your trust in Him and you will experience this.” Basilea Schline, 1904 – 2001 German Nun, Writer

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a wonderful, cheerful, caring, kind, productive and fun day.
