It is hard to beleave that this month is half over. It seems like it just started. But, the kid are all back in school and there are fall shows and sales on already. Halloween is “everywhere” while we haven’t yet reached Labor Day. This world is in way to much of a hurry! One should stop and enjoy the moment, smell the roses and appreciate what one has.

This evening is Crafts, so have dinner in the process of being ready to go on the table when Tina gets home. it isn’t a grand 5 course meal, but then, who needs a 5 course meal?. We are having air fried drumsticks and a salad. I think maybe a garbanzo bean salad. I have a couple of dinner rolls to go with it. No muss, no fuss, and no bother. I think that it will be a healthy meal.

Today is a bit warmer then yesterday. it 4:03 p.m. and 88 degrees. There is a very slight breeze, and some high clouds floating about. We won’t get any rain today but maybe this weekend. By now we need it. i like it when I don’t have to go out and fight the hose to water. I do need to go out and pull a few weeds. Sharon pulled some when she was here, and I did so appreciate it. There aren’t a lot. They just don’t add to the beauty of the yard. Conley was here yesterday and mowed. that always makes the yard look better.

Quote of the day: “Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.” Elizabeth Bibesco, 1897 – 1945. British Writer, Poet.

Have a great rest of your hump day. Make it a productive, positive, cheerful and fun day.
