I hope you all had a great weekend. Good weather, lots of relaxing, rest, fun, family and friends.

We had a good one, didn’t do anything special but got some odds and ends done around the house, did some reading and some crafts. Tina tried two new recipes and they both turned out to be keepers. Both easy and good. One was a spam, rice and mixed veggie dish that was good with a couple drops of soy sauce on it. The other was place canned biscuits in muffin tin, fill each biscuit with a mixture of shredded cooked chicken (or canned chicken), cream of chicken soup and peas or mixed veggies. filled each biscuit muffin cup with the mixture and bake for 20 minutes. Really good.

Church was good and Tina received more donations for the tie blanket project. One lady won’t be able to come and tie on the date chose as she is having shoulder surgery, but she donated money for two kits. That was really nice. It will be fun to see how many come to tie the blankets. So many have no idea how that is done. I am so surprised as I thought everyone in the world knew about tie blankets.

Not much news. Jerry and Tammy have their floors done and they sure are pretty. I can’t wait to go see them now that all id completed. Also, wonder what their next project is?

Quote of the day: “Fine the passion. It takes passion and great energy to do anything creative. I would go so far as to say you can’t do it without that passion.” Agnes Demille, 1905 – 1993, American dancer, choreographer

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. I also hope you had a great Monday. Make today a cheerful, smiling, pleasant, and fun day.
