A beautiful August day here in East Tennessee. The sun is shining, there is a breeze, and the temperature is 79 degrees. The time is 4:34 p.m. There are a few high, white, fluffy clouds drifting by, and it feels likre a hint of fall in the air. So perfect for a late August summer day.

This evening is Crafts. We enjoy the girls and their crafts are always well done and interesting. One lady paints on rocks, I beleave river rock, fairly small, round or oblong, and smooth. The paints small creatures, crosses, suns, stick people, etc. on the rocks, then goes hiking along a trail and every so often she leaves a rock for someone to find and she hopes that it brightens their day. She does really good work and her subjects are perfect.

Another lady does weaving, and brings her small loom and makes scarves and small hats, etc. They are pretty and/or cute, depending o what she is making. When she doesn’t bring her loom, she crochets. And makes scarves, hats, etc. Two ladies knit, three or more crochet, two do diamond art, and I hopefully, will be doing latch work. I have to get what I want to make. As it is now, I do coloring. I have a dozen coloring books and more pencils then carter has liver pills. I could do diamond art as well, but really don’t want to start that until I get some other things done that have been started.

Pamela came over this morning and we played yathzee. She one one game and I won one game. It is fun and we enjoy playing. Since she got married and moved I don’t see her very much . That makes the visiting and games more enjoyable. I also don’t get to see her dogs very often either. Roxy and Buttercup. She now has two cats and I think they are really cute, but have only seen pictures of them. One is Frost and the other one’s name I don’t know. She always says the kitten.

Quote time: “We never know how high we are till we are called to rise; And then, if we are true to plan, our statures touch the skies.” Emily Dickinson, 1830-1886, American Poet. Finally…whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. Philippians 4:8-9

Have a wonderful rest of your Wednesday. Make it a pleasant, relaxing, positive, cheerful and fun day.
