Today this is early as I am going to Harriman with Tina, who has an eye appointment there. I am not sure what time we will get back so will day “HI” now.

It is another pretty day. The temperature is a bit higher then yesterday at this time, 76 degrees and the breeze is very light. So nice outdoors. Sierra is lying in front of the front door watching a snail crawl by. If she is lucky the squirrel will stop by and visit. He has been by once this afternoon, so maybe he will be by on his return trip back to his tree. I do believe all the birds, squirrels, and bugs are on their afternoon siesta. The snail made it to the flowerbed.

Crafts last evening was fun. There were eight of us there, I did coloring, Tina did Diamond Art, one lady knitted, two ladies crochet and two just visited. The main topic of conversation was the tie blanket project and how it was coming along. One lady brought four blankets to be made a she is going to be having hip surgery so won’t be able to be there to put the blankets together. Tow will defiantly come and tie, and asked where to get the blankets. Joann’s is the best place as the kids size ids on sale. Hobby Lobby is way to expensive plus they don’t have the kits. So far it is going good. These blankets will go to the children at the Children’s hospital in Knoxville.

Other then that, it was just visiting about this and that. I learned that the Senior Center has bunko once a week. I don’t play bunko. The America Legion also plays bunko once every other week. I still don’t play bunko. But I enjoy listening to all the things each place does and who goes to what. I am busy so don’t mind not belonging to everything. I like the craft group, and I like the bible study group so that is enough for me at this point.

Must go and get ready to go to Harriman. Tina will pick me up and head that way. it takes 30 to 45 minutes to get there depending on traffic.

Quote of the day: “I long to put the experience of fifty years at once into your young lives, to give you at once the key ti that treasure chamber every gem of which has cost me tears and struggles and prayers, but you must work for these inward treasures yourselves.” Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1811 – 1896, American Writer.

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a fun, cheerful, productive, positive,day.
