Summer time and the heat is back again, with an air quality alert. It is hazy out, 93 degrees and no breeze. Nothing is stirring outside, no birds, or lizards, or dogs. Not even people, with the exception of those coming home from work. I guess the dogs will get walked after the sun goes down. I noticed this morning that they were walking them on the grass. That is so good as their paws can burn on the pavement.

Today was laundry day and we had a lot. it took me until after 2:00 p.m., and I started before 6:30 a.m. I did do bathroom rugs and the extra things like that. There is just the two of us that live here, but I notice that the bathroom throw rugs get dirty from just us walking on them, and Sierra laying on them. She walks on them and brings her toys on them occasionally. We haven’t had doggie company for a couple of weeks so can’t blame them. WE have had two legged company so that might of helped with it.

Tina is home and Sierra is telling her all about the day. She greets her and keeps her posted on everything that went on while she was gone. I wonder just what she is saying. Probably “I’m glad your are home. I hope you had a good. I missed you! Now feed me dinner.” Tina obeys and go upstairs to change her clothes, then now and feeds Sierra her dinner. She is just slightly spoiled.

Quote of the day: “The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach our eagerly without fear for newer and richer experiences.” Eleanor Roosevelt, 1884 – 1962. American First Lady, Humanitarian.

Have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday. Make it a cool, pleasant, relaxing, interesting and fun one.
