A rainy August afternoon in Oak Ridge. The rain is an on and off showers, but the downpours are gully washers. Tina is home so all are where they are supposed to be. These rains are due to go on all night and into tomorrow and possible Sunday. The grass, trees and shrubs are so happy.

I have cleaned the downstairs today, including the kitchen, and it looks so nice. If we could just keep it that way. Sierra likes it this way. Now she is once again strewing her mice all over the place. Jefferson would be so pleased to know that she is enjoying them.

This is short as the power might leave us and I want this send before it does. Lately we have been having the power go off but usually at night. So, we shall see. how it goes.

Quote of the day: “Our Lord does not care so much for the importance of our works as for the love with which they are done.” Teresa of Avila , 1515 – 1582, Spanish Christian Writer The ways of right = living people glow with light: the longer they live, the brighter they shine….Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts. Proverbs 4:18-23. The Message

Have a great rest of your Friday and a safe, cheerful, adventurous and fun weekend.



What a beautiful day, Sunny, calm, a bit humid, hot and the clouds are starting to move in. It is now 5:42 p.m. and the temperature is 90 degrees. Summer is still with us. Rain is due tomorrow. The grass and plants will appreciate the rain. They seem to like rain water better then water from the hose.

I have had a busy day. Last evening I fixed drumsticks in the air fryer in the oven. Well, I should of put a cookie sheet on the rack below, and I should of placed a liner on that cookie sheet. I did the cookie sheet half way through the cooking time. Today I cleaned the oven. It is a self cleaning oven. It takers three hours to clean, then another two or so to cool down. The door won’t unlock until it is cold. By this time it is 11:30 p.m. Tina turned it cleaning mode on at 6:00 a.m. Once it is open again the gunk, ashes what have you have to be wiped out. So, I can’t get on my knees so I find one of my handy gadgets that has a hook on one end and a L shaped thing on the other. I wiggle a dishcloth in the L shaped end and do my best to get it all wiped out, including the sides where the racks slide in. It is done, not perfect, but done. Then I have to scrub the racks. From a distance they don’t look bad at all. Then I pick therm up and head for the sink. Dawn Dish detergent, steel wool and I spent at least an hour on each rack. Now they shine. I admit there are a couple of spots that I didn’t manage to get shining, but they are clean.

In the middle of all that Pamela and Jerry Ford come to play games. I am sure they were sent from heaven to give me a break and a coupler hours of fun, good company and laughter. I thank them so much for the break. I did need it. It is always fun to see them.

Now it is supper time and I a, ready to go sit down and eat, then relax. Tina brought home Subway for dinner. I am so thankful. I don’t want to go near the stove for the rest of the day.

Quote of the day: “I would like to be known as a person who is concerned about freedom and equality and justice and prosperity for all people.” Rosa Parks 1913 -2005, American Civil Rights Activist.

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a relaxing, pleasant, cheerful, productive, and fun day.



It is hard to beleave that this month is half over. It seems like it just started. But, the kid are all back in school and there are fall shows and sales on already. Halloween is “everywhere” while we haven’t yet reached Labor Day. This world is in way to much of a hurry! One should stop and enjoy the moment, smell the roses and appreciate what one has.

This evening is Crafts, so have dinner in the process of being ready to go on the table when Tina gets home. it isn’t a grand 5 course meal, but then, who needs a 5 course meal?. We are having air fried drumsticks and a salad. I think maybe a garbanzo bean salad. I have a couple of dinner rolls to go with it. No muss, no fuss, and no bother. I think that it will be a healthy meal.

Today is a bit warmer then yesterday. it 4:03 p.m. and 88 degrees. There is a very slight breeze, and some high clouds floating about. We won’t get any rain today but maybe this weekend. By now we need it. i like it when I don’t have to go out and fight the hose to water. I do need to go out and pull a few weeds. Sharon pulled some when she was here, and I did so appreciate it. There aren’t a lot. They just don’t add to the beauty of the yard. Conley was here yesterday and mowed. that always makes the yard look better.

Quote of the day: “Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.” Elizabeth Bibesco, 1897 – 1945. British Writer, Poet.

Have a great rest of your hump day. Make it a productive, positive, cheerful and fun day.



A mostly sunny day with high clouds playing hide and seek. There is a breeze and it is warm, 85 degrees. The time is 5:17 p.m. All in all a pleasant day. The humidity is low and that makes it a lovely day. Tina just got home and said that it was very nice outside.

It has been a quiet day. I cleaned off the carport as we get leaves that blow in from across the turnpike. I was trying to get rid of the spots of rust that was left from the hot water heater they took out yesterday. I didn’t do very well but will continue working on it and hopefully they will eventually go away. If now, we will paint the floor of the carport. Probably not, but it does sound good.

This morning I went out and watered the plants. No rain until MAYBE this weekend. The plants need to be watered at least every other day to keep them green and pretty. Our Holly bush is looking good and growing big. It will need to be trimmed soon.

Not a great deal going on around here today. Tomorrow son Jeffery has major surgery so will be waiting to hear how that goes. I would like to of been there but I am no help at the moment and would just be in the way. I can’t walk the dog as she would leave me laying someplace if she saw a squirrel or a jack rabbit. She is a beautiful dog and minds very well up to the point of seeing a squirrel. Then the chase is on unless you are strong enough to hold her back.

Qoute of the day: “God… greater than your problems. He can solve them all. Put your trust in Him and you will experience this.” Basilea Schline, 1904 – 2001 German Nun, Writer

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a wonderful, cheerful, caring, kind, productive and fun day.
