August is certainly going by way to fast. I appreciate the cooler weather that we are experiencing. It is 4:33 p.m. and 84 degrees. So much nicer they 94, and there isn’t that much humidity which helps a great deal. It is sunny with a few fair weather clouds passing by. There is a slight breeze, just enough to have the flags waving a bit.

This afternoon are new hot water heater was installed. The installers just left about ten minutes ago. I am very pleased with having a new one that isn’t rusted out and slowly leaking. It took them over an hour to get enough water out of it to be able to move it outside. I thought that when they attached the hose to it and turned the valve the water would be gushing out. It just barely trickled. They worked with it until they got enough water out of it to haul it outside. There the valve was taken off and it drained faster. It still took time though. Meanwhile they cleaned up where the old one had been, plus all the water pipes and such so that when they hooked the new one up it would work perfectly. . He said to drain it once a year and it would work better and last longer. It is on my calendar.

The weekend was good. Saturday, Tina and I went to Joann’s where she bought three or four more tie blanket kits for the tie blanket project. Next it was to Lowe’s for smoke detectors and finally to Best Buy to get a cell phone cord that she could use in her car. Her car is smarter then her cell phone so she will have to continue charging it is the house. Our last stop was Walmart for cat food as Sierra was totally out. She is now in the door waiting for Tina to get home as that is her dinner time.

Sunday Jerry and Tammy came over as both Tina and I had “honey do’s” for Jerry. Tina needed his to get her car to do something. He ended up having to update it. It is like the cell phone and the computer, it has to be updated once a week or month or something. It was a bit behind. That took a couple of hours. We had a pot of chili cooking in the crockpot and I made some cornmeal muffins to go with it, so we had food to serve them. Jerry put new batteries in the back door blink, replace one of the smoke detectors, checked my bathroom light, and I am not sure what all else. He did a lot. Tammy helped me with a computer question, helped me with dinner and just visited. It is always fun to have then here, and to get together with them.

Friday night’s dinner at 201 was fun, good food, and fantastic ice cream at the Razzle Dazzle’s afterwards. I am sure that Jerry made a new friend and will probably visit that place every so often. They make their own ice cream. Dottie isn’t a sweets eater so she didn’t partake in the ice cream, but Tammy, Jerry and I enjoyed every calorie. Tina missed out on that one as she had gone to the baseball game with Monica and Jim. She enjoyed that and missed out on gaining an extra pound while getting exercise by having to walk a mile from the parking to the stadium, then climb up to get to their seats. There, I do believe, she had a hot dog.

Quote of the day: “You must accept that you might fail; then, if you do your best and still don’t win, at least you can be satisfied that you’ve tried. If you don’t accept failure as a possibility you don’t set high goals, you don’t branch out, you don’t try—you don’t take the risk.” Rosalynn Carter..January 1927 -November, 2023 American First Lady.

Have a wonderful rest of your Monday. Enjoy these last days of summer…fill them with adventure, beauty, excitement, family, friends and fun.



Sunny, 85 degrees, at 3:47 p.m. lovely day. The humidity is slowly going away so outside is getting awesome. This morning the humidity made the hot air almost suffocating. It was 75 degrees at 6:00 a.m., but very humid. I was going to sweep the carport after Tina pulled out, but though better of it. I will work on that tomorrow. It surly needs it.

Tonight is the last baseball game that the Tennessee Smokies will play with that name. Next season they will be the Knoxville Smokies. I understand that this is their last home game. They play in Sever, which is by Pidgin Ford, so a bit of a drive. The Carters and Tina are going to attend the game this evening….Tina wants a tee shirt with the Tennessee Smokies on it. The strange things people collect.

Today I have been inventorying the kitchen cupboards and freezer to see what we have. It seems we make a grocery list and come home with what we think we need plus a lot of stuff we already have and don’t need. So far, we need cat food. I guess the cat doesn’t go shopping and we don’t seem to overstock on her food. Also, she is very picky, Miss Sierra is one finicky Feline.

There is nothing else going on here today. The weekend is here so will see what excitement we can get in , I know that Tina wants to go to COSCO and you know that is exciting. And she mentioned that maybe the Farmer’s Market if we get up and get going early enough. That is always fun. We shall see. There is church on Sunday. Maybe a quick trip to visit the five Walters puppy dogs. And maybe a stopover to visit Dottie’s dog, Max. We shall see.

Quote of the day: “We would have every arbitrary barrier thrown down. We would have every path laid open to women as freely as to men,” Margaret Fuller, 1810 – 1850. American Writer.

Have a great rest of your Friday, and a super fun, relaxing, enjoyable, and safe weekend.



A mostly cloudy day, warm, or rather hot at 89 degrees. The time is 4:12 p.m. and it is a bit on the breezy side. Since it has been mostly cloudy all day, the house isn’t warm so the air conditioner hasn’t had to run very much. That is so nice. I do wish we would get a bit of rain as I like seeing the grass green and the trees and shrubs happy.

Tonight I a preparing hamburger steaks with rice and a veggie. It won’t take long as I will grill the hamburgers and make gravy, and warm up the rice and veggie. Tina made a bunch of rice on Tuesday, I believe so need to use it up. A simple dinner.

It has been quiet today. I went through a bunch of shredding and got that done. Answered texts and emails. Did a great delete job on the emails. There is so much money wasted on junk mail as it does cost to mail all that stuff. It costs money to shred it also. Electricity isn’t cheap. Anyhow that is done for a day or two. I am hoping that after the election in November the political stuff will go away, or at least slow down.

Maybe the donation requests will slow down also. I don’t remember ever seeing so many different people, businesses, political, social, and charities wanting money. And the requests are in the daily daily as well as on the computer and cell. It is pathetic! There are a few “Go Fund Me’ on there also, but I see that when they meet their goal they take it off.

I told you it was a slow day. I believe I will now go start dinner and let you have a peaceful rest of your day.

Quote of the day: ” God loves me as God loves all people. without qualification…..To be in the image of God means that all of us are made for the purpose of knowing and loving God and one another and of being loved in turn, not literally in the same way God knows and loves, but in a way appropriate to human beings.” Roberta Bondi. Contemporary American Educator, Writer.

Have a wonderful rest of your Thursday. Make it a cheerful, relaxing, pleasant, productive, and fun day.



Another warm summer day here in Oak Ridge. It is 3:33 p.m. and 92 Degrees. Not a leaf is string, so no breeze. I did see a small lizard crawl across the sidewalk out front. I think the pavement is hot as he was going pretty fast. The lizards here are pretty , a deep blue stripe down the middle of their back and the rest is like a sliver gray. I do believe that they are harmless but I don’t bother them so don’t really know. Sierra would like to get better acquainted but I refuse to let them meet face to face. There is always a glass door between them.

Today was laundry day. One day I will get it back to Monday’s and that might put me back on schedule. As it is, today was fine. Next Monday the hot water heater is due to be installed and the old weepy one removed. I am sure that it will be happy to be retired. I know I will be re leaved to have a new one in here. I sure hope this one lasts until then. I do not want to mop up a lake.

Nothing else is going on. Sierra is waiting for Tina to come home. She is at the back door, looking out and watching for Tina. It is fun to watch her greet Tina when she comes in the door. Sierra has all kinds of things to tell her and questions to ask. Also, being petted is first and foremost. In some ways she is like a puppy dog, glad to see you and wanting the first words and petting, She is so fun.

This evening is Crafts so will make this short and get on with dinner. No being lazy this evening.

Quote of the day: “Choices can change our lives profoundly. the choice to mend a broken relationship, to say “yes” to a difficult assignment, to lay aside some important work to play with a child, to visit some forgotten person – these small choices may affect many lives eternally.” Gloria Gaither, 1942 – American Writer, Singer/songwriter.

Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Make it a super fun, enjoyable, relaxing summer day.
