Sunny, slight breeze, a few white clouds, warm, 81 degrees 5:13 p.m. A beautiful day. It started our overcast and a bit foggy, then gradually turned into a beautiful sunny afternoon. The weatherperson said no rain until next week sometime. That is sad as we do need the rain badly. But, we will be very thankful for what little bit we got and whatever we get in the future.

Tonight is Crafts so am hoping several show up and we get several blankets done. I have a tote and a garbage bag full of tie blankets, the tote is ones to be made and the bag is fill of ones made and washed and ready to go. The back of the SUV is still full of blanket kits waiting for loving hands to put them together. All are welcome to come and tie. A couple of thousand miles might make you late, but prayers are always welcome.

It has been a quiet day, I spent a large part of the day working on a sign in sheet for tonight. I use to have a program that did all of that but I don’t seem to have it now. So after trying to make the computer do what I wanted I ended up taking one that it had and would let me change, printing it , taking my whiteout tape and covering the three lines I didn’t want, then printing it again. It looks pretty good. I will keep working on learning how to do this the proper way. I have to admit , I found things on this computer that I have never seen before. Not that any of them helped me.

Sierra is laying on the arm of the couch, looking at Bill watering. She watches from a distance as I think she thinks he will squirt her or something. Never mind that there is a wall with windows between him and his hose and her. You can tell how exciting things are here.

Quote of the day: ‘Women don’t want a divided life…They recognize that career is not enough; they want to be interconnected with people. They want to keep growing throughout their lives, adjusting as needed to different circumstances. They want to live a balanced life.” Mary Ellen Ashcroft, 1952 – American Fiction writer.

Have a great rest of your hump day. Make it a wonderful, cheerful, productive, ambitious, and fun day.
