Cloudy, Humid, Muggy, Breezy, Warm, 88 Degrees, 4:02 p.m. 50% chance of Thunderstorms this afternoon and evening. Maybe?

Friday was a busy day. I was trying to get everything done as I knew we would be gone all day Saturday and wasn’t sure what Sunday would be like other then church. i didn’t get the blog in Friday as it got late quick. I finally said that Monday was only two days away and I would get it in then.

There was 6 of us that went to the DAV, (Disabled American Veterans) and made blankets. The ladies there were working on Victory quilts, and they have done some very pretty ones. One lady does all her quilts by hand, and they are lovely. They served lunch, and it was lovely. The ladies were friendly, kind and fun. We ended up making 15 tie blankets/ We learned how to put a slit above the tie part and fold the ties through the slit. So nice, easier and they looks much nicer. We will be doing blankets Wednesday evening from 6:30 until 7:30, and then again at the church on Saturday, the 28th, from 9:00 until 3:00 p.m. i sure hope a lot of people show up and we can get many, many more made. Right now, while I am typing this, I have blankets washing.!

Doing blankets, unless one is smart and sits while cutting, and tying, is hard on the back and shoulders, and possibly the hands. I was standing and bending an stretching so my back hurt a bit but my shoulders and arms were the worst. You do know that it is much quicker to reach as far down the 8′ table a possible to straighten something, then to walk down to that spot and straiten it. Or to lean on the table while tying. After 6 hours of doing that the arms and shoulders get tired. I do know better. Tina did the walking, lifting as well as bending and stretching. Her complaint was her back, but it doesn’t take much at all for her to feel her back going out. And no, she doesn’t quit doing things until it goes out and she is barely able to move.

Sunday we got up at 4:00 a.m., for what reason I don’t know. i woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep, so finally got up. Sierra thought it a great idea so romped and played, just to make sure I was up. I got ready and went downstairs to find Tina was already down there and had the coffee going. I was being quiet so that I wouldn’t wake her. Anyhow we visited, then decided to get dressed and go to Panera’s for breakfast (Their Garden Ray, Tomato, avocado Toast is wonderful), then do what grocery shopping we had to do before church. We accomplished that, came home, put the groceries away, got dressed for church and went there. As usual, it was very good. After church we came home, Tina got the garbage out as the garbage man comes Monday Mornings, changed clothes and hit her recliner. I changed clothes and fixed a bite of lunch, and hit my recliner. The rest of the day was mostly spent there until bedtime. Sierra spent the rest of her day going from one lap to the other, stopping for a bite of food or a drink in between time.

Today, I had a lunch date with the Bible Study girls. It was at a Mexican restaurant, and just O.K. After leaving there I drove around until I found the post office. I forgot it was down farther, so saw a few neighborhoods. Finally got there, went in and mailed my package. I had to stand in line for half an hour. There was only one lady working and a line of people waiting for her attention. I only had a book to mail, so not to bad. The lady in front of me had 10 big manila envelopes to mail and that took time as each had to be weighed, and all that goes with it. The post office is very short handed and no one want to work there. I would but my days of standing on my feet for 8 to 10 hours are gone. It is work and long hours. It is good pay though. Maybe one day a week off.

Quote of the day: What constitutes success? She has achieved success who has lived well; laughed often and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent people and the love of little children; who has filled her niche and accomplished her task; who has left the world better than she found it; who has always looked for the best in others and given the best she had.” Bessie Anderson Stanley, ? – 1952. American Writer.

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a pleasant, productive, energetic, safe, and fun day.
