Cloudy, rain on and off with the sun peeking out every now and then, just to see what the clouds are hiding. The weatherman is saying thunder storms, flash flooding, flooding, (there is a difference), and high winds are expected. We are under a weather alert from today through Friday, mostly for tomorrow, I think. It must be true as the squirrel has been out gathering what ever he can find, looking in the door at me, and hunting bird seed around and under the bird feeders. The birds are scarce today so they have gone to their respective hiding places to wait out the storms. Even dogs and people are not out and about as usual.

The WiFi has been on and off all day so am not sure how the rest of the week will go computer wise. It ha affected the computer, the TV, the birdhouse outside that takes pictures, and the Blink. It hasn’t affected the Fram-o or the Echo, but has my phone to a degree. Tina said that they were working on X-Finity, who is our provider.

Today I have done the laundry. There was quite a bit as it had been over a week since I did it. And Sierra gave Tina a fur ball last night, on her bedspread, so that added to the laundry. She is a very neat cat, until she has a fur ball that needs to be deposited. Then, she could care less where that is deposited, other then her bed or favorite spot to lay. Smart Cat!

Quote of the day: Individuals can change things…If everyone will just do their little part, then we can make a tremendous difference in the lives of other people.” Sarah Purcell, 1970 American Writer.

Have a wonderful rest of you day. Make it a safe, cheerful, relaxing, and fun day.
