It is a rainy day in Tennessee, and quite a few other places. We have had showers on and off all day, but now it acts like it is serious and will stay around awhile. The trees, grass, flowers and bushes are enjoying it. You can almost see them smiling. They are perked up, standing a bit taller and all but yelling “THANK YOU LORD!. I’ m so thankful for the much needed rain. Later on this evening the strong winds are to pick up, and those I probably won’t be that enthralled about. I pray that the tall trees around here stand straight and are firmly rooted. I get concerned mostly about the mighty oak tree that is next door in Bill’s yard.

The temperature is 68 degrees and the time is 3:52 p.m. It looks like the 80’s and 90’s are gone for awhile. We hope that the 70’s last awhile as it is nice to not have the air conditioner going, or the heater. I don’t mind putting on a sweater if it gets a bit cool in the house. We do have throws and blankets so can watch TV with a throw and add an extra blanket on the bed at night.

Flooding is the problem with the rain. Other places have roads closed due to flooding, and there have been accidents on the highways on and off since this morning. Some people think that their car is a speed boat and can go through deep water. They can’t, so end up flipping and landing up side down. I just pray that everyone gets home from work o.k. At 4:3 0, when Tina gets off work, the traffic is quite heavy . It takes her 20 minutes to go to work in the morning and 45 minutes to get home at night.

Dinner tonight is going to be chicken and rice, with a vegetable. Something simple as I have some chicken leftover and want to use it up. I also am going to stuff some celery sticks to nibble on and for Tina to take to work tomorrow. Celery has no calories, I hope. The filling probably has some. I will use two kinds of dips, one garden vegetable and one garlic and herb.

Quote of the day: “One way or the other, God, who thought up the family in the first place, has the very best idea of how to bring sense to the chaos of broken relationships we see all around us. I really believe that if I remain still and listen a lot, He will share some solutions with me so I can share them with others.” Jill Briscoe ,1935 -, American Speaker, Writer.

Enjoy the rest of your Thursday. Make it a safe, enjoyable, productive, sociable, and fun day.
