Today is Friday the 13th. Now to many that is an unlucky day. To me, Friday the 13th is a lucky day. My son, Jerry was born on this date, in February 1970, and my granddaughter was born on this date in October, 1989. And a grandson born on this date, August 1993. Yes, I believe the 13th of the months are pretty lucky.

The sun is shinning, the breeze is moving the leaves and branches. The temperature is 84 degrees and it is 4:52 p.m. I am seeing some yellow leaves on the trees across the street. I am not sure if that is the sign that fall is on its way or if it is because it is so dry. We have had no rain. Hurricane Francis didn’t help us either. She either gave out havoc, tearing down buildings and trees, drowning yards, streets, etc. everywhere, or she totally missed sending even a drop to some of the ones who really would appreciate a little of the rain. Tina just got home, She said that it was starting to rain in Knoxville. Maybe it will find its way to Oak Ridge, and our yard.

I love to watch Sierra when Tina get home from work. She runs to the door like a puppy dog, meowing all the way, telling Tina all about her day and demanding attentions. Petting is always so nice after not having her to annoy for hours and hours. Also, Tina feeds her dinner and she is waiting for that for sure.

The weekend is here and I believe we are going to make tie blankets on Saturday, go to Karns with some stuff, put something in the crockpot, and do laundry. Oh, yes, some diamond art should be put in the mix someplace. Sunday is church and I believe we will go visit the kids and the dogs. It is Dottie’s birthday so I am sure we shall celebrate it one way or the other. She will be 21 again. That is exciting.

Quote of the day: I like living. I have sometimes been wildly despairingly acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.” Agatha Christie, 1890 – 1976, British Mystery Writer, Playwright.

Have a wonderful rest of your Friday, and a beautiful weekend. For those of you on the west coast, I hope the fires are soon out and the air quality improves quickly. My thoughts and prayers are with you.



Today it is cloudy. Rain expected this evening, or tonight, or tomorrow. Memphis seems to get the majority of the rain from Hurricane Florence. At least for Tennessee. Of course, that can change in the blink of an eye. We could sure use the rain as, once again, everything is looking forlorn, dry and just not happy. That is the grass, trees, and flowers. Also, the animals who drink from the streams, lakes, ponds, creeks and rivers would love to have a fresh supply of drinking water.

Crafts was good last night. We got three blankets made, and there was only five of us. It was fun just chatting with others. One lady is a retired school teacher. She is very nice, soft spoken and kind. Her husband is also nice. He came and helped set up chairs for us, then was willing to take them down when we were finished. But one of the other men said not to worry, they would take care of it. It will be nice when things get situated there and we get out own room and can leave the tables and chairs set up. But that will be a couple of months I believe. The rooms and classrooms are being reorganized and arraigned.

Today I cleaned my desk and filled the shredder with the weeks mail. It seems like everyone wants a donation, needs money, has a great story, needs a vote to go with the money, needs two pages or more of opinions and money, and poor pitiful everyone needs money also. I shredded them all. Now the shredder full and my holder on the desk is empty. So nice. I think I should shred when the mail comes in, not wait a week, then shred. I do go through it and keep out the things I think are important, then the rest goes in the holder until I get to it, one day during the week.

Time for me to head for the kitchen. I have to say, the day goes fast and dinner time comes around quickly. I do manage to keep busy for which I am very thankful. There is always things to do around here.

Quote of the day: ‘An effort made for the happiness of others lifts us above ourselves.” Lydia Marie Child, 1802 – 1880. American Abolitionist, writer.Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a productive, pleasant and fun day.


Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 11, 2024

Another beautiful day in East Tennessee. Slight breeze, sunshine, very high clouds, and the temperature is 86 degrees at 4:29 p.m. Maybe a sprinkle of rain tomorrow, Friday and Saturday. We shall see.

Today is Patriot Day. The day to remember the horrific devastation of the Worlds Trade Center, and the other two places. So many lives lost, our country ‘s secure feeling turned upside down. I hope that this date is never forgotten, and people now can look back and see what can happen without any warning. I pray that we are more aware now.

Crafts tonight. I have all ready to go. It will be interesting to see how many attend and are eager to tie blankets. I hope a whole lot will show up, but I know three go to Bunco and won’t be there. However, who ever shows up will be most welcome.

I, we are having electronic problems. I have a feeling it has to do with the modem, but will see what Jerry says when he can come and check it out. Yesterday the TV in the TV room didn’t want to play correctly. We could get the picture but no sound. We could get Samson TV just fine, but not our regular TV. Finally, after unplugging and all that stuff we got it back. Meanwhile my email is gone, and I can’t get my little Cannon printer to print. it says I need to hook it up to the WiFi. It is hooked up to the WiFi. So, the picture I was going to take to show tonight will have to wait until next time.

The Debate last evening! I wish the candidates would debate their ideas on the subject of our country and what is needed and what can be fixed and what is not needed, rather than all the back stabbing, name calling and sarcasm that they have been dishing out for the past 4 years. That is uncalled for and very childish in my opinion. Is there anyone else running? Micky Mouse? Donald Duck? Goofy?

Quote of the day: “The best reason to pray is that God is really there. In praying, our unbelief gradually starts to melt. God moves smack into the middle of even an ordinary day….Prayer is a matter of keeping at it… Thunderclaps and lightening flashes are very unlikely. it is well to start small and quietly.” Emilie Griffin, Contemporary American Writer.

Have a wonderful rest of your Hump day. Make it a fun, cheerful, entertaining, relaxing and safe day.



Another lovely day in East Tennessee. When I got up this morning the temperature was 50 degrees. Yes, Fall is around the corner. It was still a bit chilly when I left for the pedicure at 8:00 a.m., but when I got out of there it was lovely at 67 degrees. Now it is sunny, breezy, and 87 degrees. Much better then 90 degrees. The time is 4:40 p.m.

I have a roast and veggies in the crockpot so that is dinner for today and a couple more, I believe. I have cleaned out drawers and got the spring and summer towels and such tucked away until next spring. A few went in the Karns bag. And I have a small pile of ironing to do now. I will probably do that and laundry tomorrow. Also, tomorrow is Crafts Day, and I have a couple of things to take for show and tell if I can find them. With that thought I may put the laundry off until Thursday. I can use to morrow for ironing and hunting,,,,the things I want to take for show and tell.

The blanket project is coming right along. We will do two or three more tomorrow at Crafts, and I have five here that are washed and ready to go. I need to take pictures along the way so we have a record of who came and worked on them, what the blankets were like. There are ladies from other churches and clubs who are going to participate so want a picture of everyone and be able to give out thank you notes after all is completed.

There sure a lot of air plane mishaps and near mishaps this year. I just saw where a big airplane hit and damaged a small plane while on the runway. I most defiantly have no plans for flying, anyplace. I will take a train or drive. And yes, that can be hazardous also. It just seems a bit more comfortable to have both feet on the ground. Yes, I’m a wimp!

Quote of the day: “The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole. But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows. And the beauty of a woman with passing years-only grows!” Audrey Hepburn, 1923 – 1993, Belgian Actor. A kindhearted woman gains respect. Proverbs 11:16

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. It is Taco Tuesday, so if that is your dinner plans, enjoy. Whatever you do, make it a fun filled, adventurous, entertaining and enjoyable one.
