Good Monday Afternoon to you. A beautiful, almost Autumn, afternoon here in Oak Ridge. The sun is shining, there is a breeze, and it is 82 degrees at 5:25 p.m. I believe there are high clouds floating here and there, but I can’t see them through the trees.

The garbage men were late today so Tina just brought the cans back. Usually they are here bright and early, but today it was late afternoon, sometime. Things do change around here every so often. I like when they come early.

The weekend was quiet but good. We got 2 tie blankets made, the house decorated for Fall, Taco Stew made, got the Autumn stuff out of the shed and the summer stuff put in the shed. Went to church, watched TV and all in all, it was a relaxing weekend, except for the shed. That was a bit of a hassle considering the stuff I shoved in front of everything.

Today was washing the 5 tie blankets and getting them ready to show next Saturday, then washing all the stuff we brought in from the shed. We have a ton of fall dish and hand towels. Now to find a place for them. We can change every day from now until Christmas I believe. I should go shopping!!??

Dinner time. We are having Hamburger Helper Lasagna and garlic toast. I had milk to use up and it takes a cup and a forth. So Tina is home and dinner is ready.

Quote of the day: “People see God every day, they just don’t recognize Him.” Pearl Bailey, 1915 – 1990. American Singer

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a fun, productive, sociable, and adventurous one.



Happy Friday Y’all. Here’s to a football, baseball, and tail gate parting weekend. That is for everyone else. I, and Tina will be working on tie blankets, diamond art and a few other things that need doing around the house. She mentioned decorating for fall. That sounds great but that means going in the shed and getting it all out. The shed is slightly full as I have crammed everything in there when we were redoing the TV room and Craft room. I guess the shed can be added to the weekend “fun”. I do believe last weekend was more fun. How I enjoyed the Blessing Farm!

So today was house cleaning day. I did the TV room, moving everything with the exception of the fireplace as that is a two MAN job. I found a bushel of pop corn under each recliner, so have a feeling I should mover those chairs daily. I though that I was getting it all each morning when I vacuumed in there, but somehow or other, I missed a bushel or two. My vacuum doesn’t go deep under the chairs, so I don’t know how the popcorn does.? Anyhow, it is now gone, along with Sierra’s puffs of cat hair, and whatever else likes to hide under chairs. The room is clean, dusted, mopped and spiffy for making blankets and whoever comes over to share in that project. All are welcome.

I did manage to get Thank You cards and Birthday cards made and sent out yesterday. I believe I have one more to do so will work on that one this evening or in the morning. That birthday isn’t until the end of the month so have a few days. With the mail as slow as it is one has to start a month earl;y for it to hopefully arrive on time. I have learned that sending gifts to arrive on time, one must order them from Amazon. They get delivered fast and on time if not early. My Great Granddaughter, Emma, (Jeff’s granddaughter) turns 8 today. Her gift arrived yesterday. Her grandmother said that this year she is into “Hello Kitty” stuff and Amazon has a ton of it. Since we have never met her, it is hard to know what she wants or likes. Her brother, who turned 4 in March, is easy. He likes trucks. We haven’t met him either. But from the pictures, they both are cute as can be.

Quote of the day: In all ranks of life the human heart yearns for the beautiful; and the beautiful things that God makes are His gift to all alike.” Harriet Beecher Stowe, 1811 – 1896. American Writer

Have a great rest of your Friday, and a fabulous weekend, filled with relaxation, adventure, entertainment, exercise , and safety. Oh, yes, Fun also.



It has been a week since I have done my blog. I didn’t intend to stay away so long, but the past week has been very busy. It all started with August 30, the Surprise Field Trip!

Imagine being told you are going on a field trip to celebrate your birthday, and to wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty and shoes you don’t mind getting dirty. Can you imagine all the questions I had? And no one had answers. If anyone knew, they weren’t letting on. There are some people around here that surly know how to keep a secret.

Jerry picked me up around 11:30 a.m on that Friday morning. We went to his house as Tina didn’t get off work until noon, and she was meeting us at Jerry’s. I enjoyed the dogs as they are very entertaining and always wanting attention. Jerry was busy sweeping up Dallas’s fur down stairs while Tammy was busy vacuuming her fur upstairs. Dallas shed a lot! But, she is so pretty that shedding of her beautiful white fur is perfectly fine.

Tina got there we piled into Tammy’s big car, waited for Robbie Keith to arrive, and took off. It was such a lovely ride, beautiful scenery all the way. We stopped at Sweetwater for lunch at a Mom and Pop’s cafe. The food was great and the customers were entertaining. It is the place where all the local gather and talk back and forth, from one table to another. Such fun. You can’t beat good food, good service and local customers.

On we went for I don’t know how long, but awhile. I think it is about two to three hours from Knoxville. I know that it is 110 miles and probably a bit more. Soon we turned off onto a long dirt driveway. Now I am curious. I obliged by keeping my eyes clothes until we stopped and they said I could open them. We were at a small farm. There was an area set up with a picnic table, and a few cages and fenced off areas. It is a petting farm! There we met Bonnie, the highland cow who is very tame, friendly and hospitable. She keeps company with chickens, goats, pigs, a bunny, a white horse, and a baby bull. Of course they have their guard detail, 2 Great Pyrenees who were friendly but watched to make sure we didn’t hurt their charges. They do love to be petted and told how pretty they are. All true.

Well, we got well acquainted with each animal and enjoyed each of them. The horse and I got along. She loved nibbling my hand. I didn’t understand it but she was quite happy doing so and her lips tickled. She never offered to bite at all. Meanwhile, Robbie was infatuated with the baby pigs. They were really cute, but squealed very loud. I think Tina loved each of them and petted , held and and enjoyed each one. I do believe her favorite was the little goat. He was so cute and funny and energetic. Jerry liked them all, petted all and said we couldn’t take any home. Tammy was smitten-ed with Bonnie the cow. And I do believe the feeling was mutual. When Jerry brought out the birthday cake the little goat appeared out of nowhere right up on the table. I grabbed the goat and he grabbed the cake. I put the goat back in the pen where he supposedly couldn’t escape from. He shared it with the baby bull.

Jerry cut the cake and we each had a slice, served on a paper plate with plastic forks. Tammy and the cow, Bonnie, were conversing and Tammy fed Bonnie cake on a fork and Bonnie took it very gently. She gave Tammy a nice nuzzle and I do believe a kiss. That is the first time I have ever seen a cow eat off a fork. It was so fun and kind and sweet.

The name of the farm is The Blessing Farm, and I do believe it. One has to make reservations to go there and I believe there is a time limit that you can be there. There was one other party there but they were out in the pasture with a couple of cows. Another party came as we were leaving. Not having a crow made it just that more pleasant.

I had a ball and appreciate all that Jerry and Tammy did to arrange this adventure. It was the very best.

More tomorrow. Now it is time for today’s quote: “Earth is crammed with heaven.” Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 1806 – 1861. British Poet. The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs…You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose water never fails. Isaiah 58:11

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a productive, pleasant, kind and fun day.

