A cloudy but warm Friday, wit a temperature of 75 degrees, at 12:59 p.m. We might have rain showers this evening, which will be nice. The rain isn’t expected to be much and won’t last long. Since we didn’t get a flood type rain during the storm, the plants and trees, and shrubs won’t mind a fresh rain shower.
I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon so thought that getting this done early will insure that it gets done. Tina is picking me up, so you know that we might go goofing off after the doctor’s appointment and get home late.
There is nothing going on around here this morning. All is quiet. No dogs walking, no people out walking, no trucks delivering anything, no traffic at all. I guess all are in school or at work. I think Fall break starts Monday, or else this week has been fall break. When one doesn’t have a child in school, it is hard to keep up. I’m not complaining.
The flood relief and recovery efforts continue, with the death total rising. That is so sad, They are still looking for many who are missing. There are several small communities that haven’t been reached as yet, and rescue people are working hard to get to them. Some have so many trees around that there is no place to lad a helicopter. That is a no way in and no way out situation. All are in my thoughts and prayers.
Quote of the day: “So often we think that to be encouragers we have to produce great words of wisdom when , in fact, a few simple syllables of sympathy and an arm around the shoulder can often provide much needed comfort.” Florence Littauer, 1928 -American Speaker, Writer.
Have a wonderful rest of your Friday, and a fun, cheerful, adventurous, exciting, safe and relaxing weekend.