Another beautiful October day in East Tennessee. sunny, warmish, breezy, and clear. At3:55 p.m. the temperature is 72 degrees. Very nice. This morning it was on the chilly side. So much so that I turned on the heat! This house takes forever to warm up as our condo or town house is in the middle so only have windows on the northeast and southwest side, and right now the sun doesn’t get to the front windows until about 10:00 a.m. I can tell when the sun hits the front windows as Sierra heads for her bed on the large windowsill.

It is Friday and the weekend is here. We don’t have plans for going anyplace. Tina said that she is making blankets and doing diamond art. She has some yard work to do and bird feeders to fill. Jerry filled the camera bird feeder this afternoon so that helps. It is on a high pole, so a stool or ladder is needed. I know that the birds will be happy in the morning.

My plans for the weekend are to get caught up on my writing, and help Tina with the blankets. We have a million to do. Well, maybe not quite that many, but it sure seems like it when I look at the four large bags and one large tote filled with tie blankets to be made. I think the hospital 100 hundred is completed. I know that she has two to make that were requested, then I believe she will start making them for the Helene Hurricane victims. Oak Ridge is requesting new or gently used blankets for those people who defiantly need them. These are warm and not heavy, wash nicely and can be rolled up so easy storage. We will see how many we can get done by the 17th.

There is a big collage football game tomorrow evening, so half of Tennessee will be there. The Vols play Florida. We lost last Saturday and that was a shame. So, sure do hope that they win tomorrow. We will keep track of the game on the TV, and enjoy the comforts of the recliner while we do so. Because the fans are so great here, the stadium will be packed and parking and traffic will be horrendous . That makes home a great place to watch the game. Go Vols!

Quote of the day: “God has put into each of our lives a void that cannot be filled by the world. We may leave God or put Him on hold, but He is always there, patiently waiting for us….to turn back to Him.” Emilie Barnes, 1938 – American Speaker, writer.

Have a great rest of your Friday, and a wonderful weekend. Fill it with adventure, enjoyment, relaxation, and fun. Make it a safe one.
