A bit warmer today, with the sun shining brightly, and currently there is no wind. We got up to frost on the roof tops and on the grass. The big, bright shining moon showing the glistening crystal of the frost, looking like tiny diamonds layering the rooftops. So pretty, so cold. I believe we had a temperature of 33 degrees.

Tomorrow morning should be about the same, but then it is to warm up to high 60’s, maybe 66 or 68 degrees. It is 62 here right now, and that is pretty good considering I have froze all week. Even Sierra has been curled up in her kitty bed on the windowsill, in the sun. The winter clothes are coming out and we are getting prepared for winter. Me more so then Tina. She just freezes at work as they keep it cool their because of the computers., of which they have a zillion of them I am sure. They all have sweaters, jackets and blankets at their desks.

Last nights stew was very good and we finished it up for lunch. I didn’t make as much as I thought I had. Tonight we are having a tuna rice veggie casserole. I had some broccoli and asparagus I needed to use up. Tina suggested the rice and tuna casserole with the veggies. I will put grated cheese on top and I believe it will be good.

Today I got caught up with all my stories. I was so far behind because of the computer acting up, me being not feeling up to par, blankets to make and get out, and the house to keep up with. It has been a busy month so far, and add the end of last month to it. The flood in 8 of our counties plus north Carolina added to the confusion and things that needed to be done. What a month!!!

Now that I have caught up with my stories I will attempt to do all my e-mail and empty them. I have something like 600 again. They need to be done daily and then probably twice daily. I am going to try and seperate how they are stored once they come in. Put the ones I am interested in in one file and the adds and begging ones in another . Oh, and one for the political in a third. I hope that can be done. It would make deleting much easier.

Quote of the day: “The true way of softening one’s troubles is to solace those of others.” Madam De Maintenon, 1635 – 1719. French Queen.

“Our hearts ache, but at the same time we have the joy of the Lord. We are poor, but we give rich spiritual gifts to others. We own nothing, and yet we are enjoying everything.” II Corinthians 6:10

Have a great rest of your day. Make it a thankful, cheerful, kind, enjoyable, profitable, productive and fun day.
