A beautiful Fall Day! When I came down stairs this morning at 5:15, it was 47 degrees. Now, at 12:50 p.m. it is 69 degrees. We should reach a high of 75, maybe. There is a breeze and lots of sunshine, with leaves fluttering hither an yon. Yes, the trees are slowly changing color. They are also dropping their leaves, carpeting the lawns with golds, browns, and reds. So pretty.

I haven’t been on with my blog all week. My phone is acting up, so went to Xfinity Monday afternoon to see what the problem was. The gentleman there looked at it, did something with it, gave it back and said that it should work just fine. It does the same thing as before he messed with it. So, I am not sure just what the problem is. I think that maybe the sim car might be bad.

Monday was also bible study day, and that is proving to be a fantastic class. The lady leading the class is very knowledgeable about the bible, and does research on each subject, person and place concerning the bible. I defiantly have home work to do.

Speaking of which, I have been told a few times this past week that the horrific weather we have been experiencing all over the globe is mad made. At first I thought that impossible, but then thought of all the science projects and scientists as well as other people probing in the ground and in the clouds, etc. so there again, anything is possible. Then I talked to son Jimmy. He was telling me that the bad weather that we have experienced and will continue to experience is caused by people, namely, The Democrats!! He is an Independent. I don’t talk politics with him.

Tuesday I did laundry all day. In the evening Tina and I had reservations for the OUTBACK for dinner. We bought tickets from the VFW for a steak dinner on Tuesday, October 8th at 6:00 p.m. The dinner was very good and the people a lot of fun. We had steak,garlic mashed potatoes, broccoli and cheesecake. Ice tea to drink. When we got home we watched 30 minutes of TV and headed upstairs to bed.

Today I am not as energetic as I would like, but will accomplish the bare minimum of housework, and then get ready for Crafts tonight. It is time to make a few more blankets. I think the end of the blanket making for the Children’s Hospital is very near the end. I believe that we will reach the 100 mark tonight.

Tina suggested Tuna Salad for dinner tonight and I can oblige her with that request. That is easy to make and easy to serve. She can have it on lettuce or in a sandwich, whichever she prefers. She gets home at 5:15 about, and we are to be at the church at 6:00 so that doesn’t leave a lot of time to dine properly, much less clean up the dinner dishes. So Tuna Salad on paper plates sounds perfect to me.

Quote of the day: “Often I have made a request of God with earnest pleadings even backed up with scripture, only to have Him say, “NO” because He had something better in store.” Ruth Bell Graham, 1920 – 2007. American writer, m Billy Graham.

Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Make it a productive, kind, cheerful and fun day.



A cloudy but warm Friday, wit a temperature of 75 degrees, at 12:59 p.m. We might have rain showers this evening, which will be nice. The rain isn’t expected to be much and won’t last long. Since we didn’t get a flood type rain during the storm, the plants and trees, and shrubs won’t mind a fresh rain shower.

I have a doctor’s appointment this afternoon so thought that getting this done early will insure that it gets done. Tina is picking me up, so you know that we might go goofing off after the doctor’s appointment and get home late.

There is nothing going on around here this morning. All is quiet. No dogs walking, no people out walking, no trucks delivering anything, no traffic at all. I guess all are in school or at work. I think Fall break starts Monday, or else this week has been fall break. When one doesn’t have a child in school, it is hard to keep up. I’m not complaining.

The flood relief and recovery efforts continue, with the death total rising. That is so sad, They are still looking for many who are missing. There are several small communities that haven’t been reached as yet, and rescue people are working hard to get to them. Some have so many trees around that there is no place to lad a helicopter. That is a no way in and no way out situation. All are in my thoughts and prayers.

Quote of the day: “So often we think that to be encouragers we have to produce great words of wisdom when , in fact, a few simple syllables of sympathy and an arm around the shoulder can often provide much needed comfort.” Florence Littauer, 1928 -American Speaker, Writer.

Have a wonderful rest of your Friday, and a fun, cheerful, adventurous, exciting, safe and relaxing weekend.



Thursday and we have beautiful weather. It is sunny, breezy, 82 degrees and mice, at 4:12 p.m. I like fall with nice weather. I saw a chipmunk scurrying around, looking for seeds, or what ever he could fine. they are so cute and little. The birds have been out singing and the squirrel has visited. A great day.

Yesterday was very busy. I washed, dried, folded and bagged 20 tie blankets. Today I had six to do. Six isn’t bad; twenty is a bit much. However, they are so nice and soft when done. We are getting close to the end of this project. Yea! We had Crafts last evening so that is where the 6 blankets cor today came from. We should finish up in the next week or two.

Other then that there isn’t much going on around here. The news is mostly about the flood victims from the flooding and hurricane. So far, for all states the death total, as of this morning, is 200, and they expect to find more. That is sad. The people in North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia didn’t know or expect the storm would go so far inland, create such devastation through every town, city, road, freeway, everyplace. The flood waters did the most damage and took the lives. The major highways are still mostly impassable and the back roads are totally a mess. So many washed away, bridges gone, trails obliterated. One guy, in North Carolina, lives up on a mountain. He has no roads or trails to get anyplace for supplies, and his brother is a invalid, bed ridden and on Oxygen. He took a long rope, tied it around a tree, and climbs up and down on that to get to the closes place to get gas for the generator , water and whatever else he can get, which isn’t much. There is no electricity, and won’t be for awhile. Also, no water that is drinkable, so water is being hauled in, dropped in by helicopter, or by tank trucks. They can only go so far, then it is by mule, horse, or foot. This is everywhere that is flooded. We will go donate water on Friday, if we can find any to buy and donate. Supplies are very low as everything has been bought up and takes to where it is needed. Diapers, baby food and formula, water, sun screen, and whatever is needed as there is only clean-up going on. Very few have a livable house to go in. Very sad indeed.

Quote of the day: “As God’s standard of everything is high, let us endeavor to live for Him with the highest intention in mind.” Hannah More 1745 – 1833. British Writer, Social Reformer.

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Enjoy the beauty of the fall. Make this day a productive, cheerful, safe, and fun day.



A new month, the start of the busy time of year. the shopping season. The party season. The candy season. the falling leaves with pretty colors season. The season of good smells drifting through the air;, the diet season so one can fit into the next season. The excitement of the season!

For so many this season is starting out to be a sad, humbling, hard, and grieving season. From Florida to Georgia; from Georgia to South Carolina; From South Carolina to North Carolina; From North Carolina to Tennessee; From Tennessee to Virginia; Helene keeps marching up the East Coast, leaving havoc along the way. She is no longer a hurricane, and by now just rain. But she is heading to Washington DC, and on up the coast. She defiantly is not a lady!

Many places around Oak Ridge and surrounding areas are collecting cases of water, diapers, canned foods, what ever they think is most needed in all the areas. So many towns are now wiped off the map, or damaged severely, needing major clean up and re-building. There are many first responders out and recovery people as well as dogs, out looking for the lost people. They now believe that they won’t find any more survivors, but still, there is hope.

So many have posted on Facebook and Tic-Toc that the government isn’t doing anything, and they shouldn’t be sending money to other countries when we have such devastation right here. The funny part of all that is, many people, who are complaining, can’t spell the President’s name; Can’t spell the vice president’s name, knows nothing about how the government works, and believes we are giving foreign aid to the illegal people coming across the border. What are they teaching in schools now days?

The weekend was very busy. Saturday we made 30 plus blankets and ha 12 people show up to help. It was fun with so many ladies, and two gentlemen, chatting and helping. One of the men from the church brought a great luncheon for us from Chic-Filet. It was so very good. Now I am washing blankets as is one other lady. We still have a few more to get made, but I believe by next weekend we will have them all done.

Saturday evening Jerry, Tammy, Dottie, Tina and I went out to dinner at Texas Road House. That was fun and very good. Sunday was quiet, rainy and dreary. Monday flew by and her I am, it’s Tuesday!

Quote of the day: “It’s simple things, like a glowing sunset; the sound of a running stream or the fresh smell in a meadow; that causes us to pause and marvel at the wonder of life; to contemplate its meaning and significance. Who can hold an autumn leaf in their hand, or sift the warm white sand on the beach, and not wonder at the Creator of it all?” Wendy Moore, 1971 – American writer.

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Enjoy your Taco’s and the first day of October. Make it a colorful, enjoyable, exciting and safe one.
