Mostly sunny, with a slight breeze. Beautiful leaves occasionally floating down as the trees shed their spring and summer beauty for the late fall and winter. Like the bears, squirrels, and chipmunks, they “hibernate for the winter. The trees and plants go dormant for the winter. A period of rest. Right now it is 74 degrees and the time is 4:41 p.m.

Tonight we are dining on Caesar Chicken and Veggie salad. A simple meal but also nourishing. I believe next week the temperatures start going down and it will be time for the winter meals, roasts, stews, ham and beans, etc. I am looking forward to some of them. My last stew I learned that grilling veggies shouldn’t be used in stew… comes out like mush. But it did taste good.

This weekend we might get to go to a craft sale/show. There is one someplace off Clinton Highway and Merchant Drive. I will have to watch the TV and see if I can get the correct address. Of course, we have a ton of things to do around the house so we shall see how far we get with the craft show Idea. I am good either way. This show is supposed to be quite large. We shall see. There is also one downtown Knoxville and that one is also a large one. A busy time of the year for sure.

Sierra is waiting for Tina to get home. Tina will be here in about fifteen minutes. No major plans for the evening, just TV, We need to finish watching some of our recordings so that will take up the evening.

Quote of the day: “Ideal conversation must be an exchange of thought, and not, as many of those who worry most about their short comings believe, an eloquent exhibition of wit or oratory.” Emily Post, 1873 – 1960, American Writer, Socialite.

I remember, as a child growing up, Emily Post set the rules for manners and etiquette. I think that, maybe, some, if not most, of them should still be followed.

Have a wonderful rest of your Friday and a fantastic, adventurous, relaxing, enjoyable and fun weekend.
