Cloudy, cool, spitting rain, pre-winter-ish. Yes, we are to have a cold, cloudy, rainy, messy week, weather wise. But, that is O.K. as we have had so many pretty, warm days when the rest of the country was suffering with bad weather events. So, no complaints here. Right now, it is 56 degrees at 5:10 p.m.
Tina is on her way home from work and Sierra is sitting on the back of the couch, waiting for her. As soon as she hits the back door, Sierra will fly off the couch and hustle her bustle to the back door to greet her and tell her all about the day. She is ass good at that as a puppy dog.
The weekend was great! Tevia arrived late Friday afternoon along with her brother Chael and her “papa”, Jerry. Chael has grown leaps and bounds so is quite the young man now. He is good looking, cheerful, fun, and very talented with the computer games. It was so fun seeing him. Tina couldn’t get over how tall he is and already 13 speeding towards 14. His brother, Deagan is 15 and about to hit that big 16 in one month and 11 days! He is working towards saving for his car insurance and gas for the car. I believe he gets one of their older cars. It seems so unreal that these babies are no longer babies, but teens and almost teens.
Tevia, who is 11 going more slowly towards 12, is a very pretty, sweet girl. WE had such a fun and nice time with her. She had mentioned things that she wanted to do when she visited so we left it up to her and she asked if she could… and, of course, …she could. Friday evening, we watched TV for a bit, then Tina went to bed. Tevia and I played Yahtzee until 11:15 p.m. then called it a night.
Saturday, when asked what she would like for breakfast she said pancakes. So Aunt Tuna fixed Blueberry pancakes. After breakfast Tina and Tevia made blankets. I believe she enjoyed that as they made three tie blankets. She caught on quickly and i am sure she will be making tie blankets of her own soon.
She had mentioned that she wanted to cook. So I told her that she could invite Jerry, Tammy and Chael for dinner, and she could prepare the dinner. When asked what she wanted to fix, she said tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich. So, she called and invited them. They said that they were busy but that were inviting us three to their place for dinner. When asked what they were serving, the responded was chicken from SUPER CHICKS!.
We had tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch! After lunch Tevia and I cleaned all of my earrings. Boy, do they shine and sparkle now. They needed it badly and I am very appreciative of her doing that. She also removed all the books from the bottom shelf of the book case. I have wanted to get that done for a long time, but can’t get on my knees to get down there and do it correctly. So that was a gigantic accomplishment.
She and Tina did diamond art and I believe she enjoyed that. I think that is something that will go along with her crocheting of the small animals. She played games on the console and we visited and just enjoyed. It was so fun. We went to Jerry’s for a 6:00 p.m. dinner. It is always very lively over there, more so with two kids to go along with the 5 dogs. Very loud, very cheerful, very fun. Dinner was very good and both Tina and thought we should remember that place. She said the chicken was as goo, if not better, then CANES! That is saying something.
Tevia stayed at Jerry and Tammy’s Saturday night as Jerry took her and Chael to meet their parents Saturday morning. We sure missed her, but so thankful we got to spend time with her and enjoy her company. I hope we get to do so again soon.
Sunday Tina and i went to church, then grocery shopping. Home, put groceries away, did some computer work and watched TV. Jerry and Tammy came over an brought a very tall book case that Tina said would help separate the books and give room. It sure does. Jerry and Tammy took our smaller one up stairs and put it in the guest room. Today I got it put in place and that room back in order and looking like a guest room instead of the “throw it in here” room.
I had a doctor’s appointment today. I thought it was at 3:45 p.m. this afternoon but it was at 9:40 this morning. Why I had 3:45 p.m .in my head I don’t know. That is the second time I have done that and missed a doctor’s appointment, with the same doctor. Now I go Wednesday morning at 9:40. I will make that one.
Quote of the day: ” Faith is the first factor in a life devoted to service. Without faith, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible.” Mary McLeod Bethune, 1875 – 1955, American Educator, Writer.
I hope you had a great weekend and a wonderful Monday. Make the rest of your day a cheerful, productive, kind, generous, and fun day.