Wishing each one a very Joyful, Christmas. I hope that you day is filled with family, friends, good memories, laughter and fun.
Wishing each one a very Joyful, Christmas. I hope that you day is filled with family, friends, good memories, laughter and fun.
Baby, it’s cold outside! Windy, 37 degrees, windy, cloudy and the time is 5:04 p.m. I believe tomorrow the high is around 34 or something like that. And I want to go shopping! Well, I need to do my Christmas shopping for the family. Sierra needs lots of goodies, and I know all six dogs in the family have wants and needs.
Well, today I have done the laundry, Did some putting away and cleaning up of scattered things upstairs. I have more to do up their but will wait until we get all the stuffed wrapped and am sure we aren’t missing anything. Then the “guest room” will get put back in order and be ready to welcome guests.
Our sweet neighbor just brought over some banana pudding, It is so pretty and looks like something out of a magazine. I sent Tammy and Jerry a picture of it, and said that we would share. A couple of evenings ago she brought over some smoked brisket and i was delicious. He smokes or grills most every afternoon or evening.
Bill, next door, the other side, has his fireplace going. It is a bit scary but so far so good, and I know that he needs it this evening. I still keep threatening him that I am going to cut a hole in the wall and make the fireplace a two way one. It sounds fair to me. But, We have a beautiful electric one in the TV room so it is fine. Plus no wood needed, no clean up needed. That is the very best part.
Quote of the day: “Christmas; my child, is love in action…When you love someone, you give to them, as God gives to us. The greatest gift He ever gave was the person of His Son….sent to us in human form so that we might know what God the Father is really like! Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas.” Dale Evens Rogers, 1912 – 2001 American Actor . m Roy Rogers
Have a wonderful rest of your day, and a great, adventurous, enjoyable, fun weekend. Enjoy that last minute shopping as every store has tons of “sales”. Big Lots should have some good ones as they are going out of business they said today.
Good Morning .
This is what I should of sent yesterday, but it got so late that I didn’t get that far before falling into bed and zonking out. If I am on the ball, you will get today’s this evening. So, have a great day!
We now have five days to complete what ever needs to be done by Christmas morning. The mad rush is in full swing….baking, shopping, traveling, wrapping and gathering all, It is Christmas time. A time for family, friends, children opening the gifts Santa has put under the tree, for mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, to enjoy watching the excitement of the children as the open that most wished for present.
Here in Oak Ridge, it is 7:43 a.m., and the temperature outside is 32 degrees. There is frost on the roofs, the grass, and all the cars that are sitting out in the open. The clouds are still with us and fog has been added for the morning. We have a 30% chance of rain and a slight chance of snow flurries. It does feel and look like a winter day, this being the eve of the first day of winter. So appropriate I think.
Yesterday I accomplished a lot, finished my cards, got the living room cleaned up, taking down the card-table and getting all my card writing stuff put away so now it is looking comfy and a lot like Christmas. Today I plan on doing laundry, cleaning up the TV room and doing the odds and ends that have to be done. The normal daily household duties.
Quote of the day for yesterday: “This is the real gift; we have been given the breath of life, designed with a unique, one of a kind soul that exists forever – whether we live it as a burden or a joy or with indifference doesn’t change the fact that we’ve been given the gift of being now and forever. Priceless in value, we are handcrafted by God, who has a personal design and plan for each one of us.” Wendy Moore, 1971.., American Writer.
Have a fun, productive, safe, and kind day.
A week from today, about this time, many of us will be either sitting down to a beautiful Christmas dinner, or cleaning up the leftovers from the Christmas dinner. By this time the gifts will of been opened and all the wrappings gathered and thrown in the trash. At least that is my imagination. All I need to do is finish my shopping, make a few items to go with the dinner, and many more little things I am slow about accomplishing, EVERY CHRISTMAS! It is usually wrapping the last minute presents.
Today it is raining, and should be well in to the night, so the weatherman says. But tomorrow is to be cold and colder the next three days. Winter starts the 21, which is Saturday, and it is due to have a high of 36 that day.
Dottie went and got her hair done today. I am going Saturday and get mine done. I have been trying to let it get long, but I have about had it as it is hard to make it do anything and looks straggly and ugly. I am going back to short hair. It is easy to keep and looks a lot neater most of the time.
Quote of the day: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt, -1884 – 1962, American First Lady, Humanitarian. No eye has seen, nor ear has heard, nor human heart conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him. 1Corinthians 2:9
As you can see, there isn’t much news around here today. A very quiet day. I have done cards, straightened up the house and am marinating chicken breasts to go on a Caesar Salad for dinner.
Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Make it a cheerful, kind, productive, and fun day.