Tuesday already. it is still rainy, damp, cold, even though the temperature is 60 degrees. I do miss the sunshine that warms this place up. Maybe tomorrow the sun will shine. They say that Thursday it will be clear but cold. We shall see. Right now it is 4:36 p.m. and 60 degrees, cloudy with rain possible tonight.

I have worked on Christmas today and have found a few things I had forgotten about. Now I have to make them work, incorporated them into my Christmas theme. That may take Jerry’s tech brain to help me figure it out. Yes, it is on the computer. But, if I get it figures out, it will be fun and interesting.

Other then that, I have done the normal household stuff. I talked to the neighbor and played with Minny, the oh so cute miniature Dachshund. (Spelling is incorrect but spell check doesn’t know any more then I do on this subject.) I would be so afraid I would step on it and squash it, or sit on it and squash it that I would never want one… any pet that small. But it is a cutie.

Today is Bill’s birthday. He is 21 again. I know that he and Sharon celebrated his birthday yesterday by going out to lunch or dinner, so he has done something anyway. It is so miserable outside that staying indoors by the fireside, reading a good book sounds like a fine idea to me, so hope that he is doing just that.

Quote of the day: “Certain springs are tapped only when we are alone….Women need solitude in order to find again the true essence of themselves; that firm strand which will be the indispensable center of the whole web of human relationships.” Anne Morrow Lindbergh, 1906 – 2001. American Writer; m. Charles Lindbergh.

Have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday. Make it a cheerful, adventurous, interesting and fun day.



A rainy day in oak Ridge, and all of Tennessee. Not as cold, but that damp bone chilling cold. the wind has been blowing on and off, and that doesn’t help much either. A good day to stay indoors, curl up with a cup of hot cocoa and read a good book. That isn’t what I have done all day, but it is still a good thought.

Tina went back to work this morning, and said that she was feeling much better. She is still on antibiotics, but no fever and she looked so much better. We went to church yesterday, then a quick trip to the dollar store, then home. Worked on cards and watched TV. yes, it was raining. Most of the day.

Now I am finishing up cards and e-cards, a bit of wrapping and that sort of thing. I put a roast in the crock pot yesterday so tonight it is leftovers for dinner. The downstairs is neat and tidy so now have to do the upstairs. That is mostly vacuuming and dusting. I think we are about ready for Christmas and can now sit back and enjoy the season.

I hope you had a great weekend and are well prepared for enjoying the Christmas season. Even to sitting back and enjoying a hot cup of cocoa, tea, coffee, whatever and thinking about the true meaning of Christmas. The holiday, like every other holiday, has become so commercialized that the real reason and meaning of the day has nearly been obliterated. That is sad. We have lost so much even when we think we have gained an extra day off work. So sit back and think about what the season, the day, really stands for and how it originated in the first place, those many, many years ago.

Quote of the day: Prayer is such an ordinary, everyday, mundane thing. Certainly, people who pray are no more saints than the rest of us. Rather, they are people who wants to share a life with God, to love and be loved, so to speak, and to listen, to work and to be at rest in the presence of God. Roberta Bonds, Contemporary American Educator, writer.

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a productive, thoughtful, friendly, adventurous, and fund day.



Another winter day here in Tennessee. Not as bad as some, but still chilly. yesterday we had snow flurries, but due to the rain and warm weather for a couple of days, it didn’t stick at all. We are back in the winter mode again, expecting rain Saturday and Sunday. The time is 5:33 p.m. and the temperature is 44 or 35. The Echo says 44 and the computer says 35.

I have missed a day again. I was so busy wrapping gifts that need to leave today that I didn’t stop to do much. The house is a mess and I still have some wrapping to do, but it will not be as urgent so can clean the house before I start on those gifts.

Tina went to the company doctor yesterday. She has an sinus and ear infection , so was sent home. Before she came home she went to the post office and mailed all the packages. Now is she is watching TV with her eyes closed and the cat in her lap. Sleeping is a healing things so hopefully she will be better soon and back to being herself. This is not the time of year to get sick.

I finally met the new neighbors, and they are very nice. Then have a 12 week old toy dachshund puppy that is so cute. It is blown, soft, cuddly and cute. Just the right size for a town home with no fenced in yard. They have two children, a boy 15 and a daughter who is 8. She takes them to school and picks them up from school as they go to the school where the family moved from. So far, very nice.

Quote of the day: “Cherish your human connections; your relationships with friends and family.” Barbara Bush, 1925 – 2018. American First Lady.

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a pleasant, productive, kind, encouraging and fun day.



How time flies when one is busy! I know that Friday came and went. I worked at cleaning house, did a bit of laundry, and was ready when Tina got home so that we could go to Tractor Supply. I enjoy that store as they have so much stuff and such interesting things. So, it is an hour for us to shop there. We went after one thing, came out with two, which isn’t bad, considering there were a million interesting things that i could of enjoyed bringing home with me. There aren’t any baby chicks or ducks so that wasn’t a problem this trip.

Saturday Tina worked in the morning, then came and got me. Off to Knoxville to meet Dottie and Tammy for a shopping trip. We had lunch at a cute little cafe, The NEWK’S. It was good and fun. Then we went to the “Ole Time Pottery” and wondered through that big place. There is a billion things in that store and all very fun and interesting. I bought the coolest gift tags and I can’t remember what else.

We then went to Big Lots and shopped a bit, then to Hobby Lobby. You know that place is filled with goodies. The biggest problem with each place was so many people and everyplace on the crowded side. Hobby Lobby was the worst.

We left Dottie and Tammy at Dottie’s and headed back to Knoxville. We wanted to get a few groceries and go home. Then we thought of stopping at Panera’s and grabbing a cup of soup and half a sandwich. We turned in and found ourselves blocked by fire engine, ambulances, rescue squad, police cars, so worked our way through the parking lot and got out of there. By this time we thought better of doing anymore shopping for anything and came home.

Sunday we went to church, then came home for a a short time, then off to Dottie’s again. Tammy picked us up there and we went to see “THE NUTCRACKER’. it was so good. The dancers were fantastic and the orchestra was great ..The costumes were beautiful. We really enjoyed that immensely. Afterward Tammy drove around the downtown area and we looked at the Christmas lights. After seeing quite a bit of the area we headed toward the west end of town and met Jerry at The Asian Cafe for dinner. They have good food and we will go back. His friend was there with another man, playing and singing, folk music. Very enjoyable and fun. Once aback at Dottie’s we got our car and headed home. Sierra was “starving” so she got first attention. We were in bed shortly after that. Monday and early morning alarm clock.

Monday I had the Bible Study Cookie exchange. Then had to go to Walmart, and to Walgreens. I was sure it wouldn’t be to crowded as doesn’t everyone have to go to work on Monday? I guess now. Both stores were busy with lines everywhere. I finally got home about 2:30 p.m. Sierra was subbing me as she thought we had moved or something. She didn’t get much lap time this weekend and let us know about it! No lap time, very few treats, and dinner late three night in a row. She has made up for it today.

Now I have to get back to wrapping gifts and getting cards ready to mail out. time is flying and I so want all to arrive on time at their destinations.

Quote of the day: “Reach out and care for someone who needs the touch of hospitality;; The time you spend caring today will be a love gift what will blossom into the fresh joy of God’s Spirit in the future.” Emilie Barnes, 1938 – American Speaker. Writer.

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a cheerful, enjoyable, productive, active, and fun day.
