December and winter have arrived. It is 3:32 p.m., partly sunny, and 34 degrees outside. It is certainly time to dig out the heavy jackets, the snow boots, the gloves, scarves, sweaters, and whatever else is needed to keep warm while outdoors putting up the Christmas lights, the sleigh and reindeer, Santa and his elves, all heading upwards from the rooftop. While outdoors, remember to fill the bird feeders as our feathered friends get nighty hungry also.
Yesterday I spent in Knoxville. I had a physical (the six months thing), so Tina dropped me off at Dottie’s ‘on her way to work. Dottie took me to the doctor, waited while I answered all the questions and all that goes with a physical. The doctor said O.K. Very good. You have lost 15 pounds. Keep up the good work. See you in six months! We then went back to Dottie’s and had breakfast. She prepared sausage, biscuits, gravy and scrambled eggs. So good. Also coffee. The coffee was the starter I needed to wake up, only had to wait until after the doctor as it was a “fasting physical”! The food was wonderful as I was hungry. She is a good cook as well as hostess.
We didn’t do much except visit and watch a bit of TV. Max got to go out a couple of times, but he wasn’t much in staying out in the freezing weather. His curly coat isn’t that thick or warm when the temperature says 39 degrees. So he would get in, find his nice warm blanket and curl up in it. So cute.
Thanksgiving was wonderful. So much to be thankful for each and every day. The dinner table was set so pretty, so elegant, with care and love. Dinner was fantastic. We had Turkey, Ham, mashed potatoes ( so over the top delicious), sweet potato casserole, deviled eggs, green beans, corn bread stuffing, sourdough bread/cranberry/cheese dish, (very good) pumpkin pie, apple pie, pineapple upside down cake, lemon cake, gingerbread pear cake, and I can’t remember what else. All was so wonderful and I was totally stuffed. I was a good girl and remembered that I had a physical on Monday morning and that would have a blood test which would tell whatever I ate that I shouldn’t of, so only had a small sliver of the pumpkin pie and a small sliver of the gingerbread cake. Every little bite was yummy!
Friday Tina had to go to work. Jerry came over and took the tons of decoration bins out of the shed and set up both trees. He also picked me up as I feel on my knees and couldn’t get myself up. That really hurt my ego and my knees. He left, I called Dottie and we chatted. As we were chatting I got to where I couldn’t breath so told her that and I pushed the button on my help chain and got the ambulance. Of course they gave me a nice bumpy ride to the hospital, restored my breathing, (my oxygen was at 88%) and left me. Very soon I was in a room with nurses, aides, chest x-ray, arm and leg x-ray, EKG, blood tests, and Tina and Jerry. Dottie took care of calling Jerry who, came back out and after following the ambulance to the hospital, called Tina. After all of that the good doctor said that all x-rays were good, no broken bones and my lungs were clear and good. The blood test showed I had an infection someplace but they couldn’t tell where. I decided it was the start of a sinus infection, maybe. Since my granddaughter and her family have had virus pneumonia, I thought it might be that but the doctor said no. I am much better now and do believe I will be able to continue with all that needs to be done in the few short days before Christmas.
Saturday and Sunday Tina worked her fingers to the bone doing the decorating and fixing meals, as well as attending to Sierra who was helping whole heartedly in the decorating. I enjoyed watching, snoozing and offering a tiny bit of help.
So now it is Tuesday and I am back at the desk, the computer and working on the cards and such. i have to get them ready for the Bible Study group and the Crafty Crafters. That will keep me busy for the next day or so.
Quote of the day: “Truth is always exciting. Speak it, then. Life is dull without it.” Pearl S. Buck, 1892 – 1973. American Writer, Nobel Prize Winner. What you say goes, God, and stays, as permanent as the heaven. Your truth never goes out of fashion; it’s up -to-date as the earth when the sun comes up. Your Word and the truth are dependable as ever. Psalm 119: 89 – 91.
Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it an enjoyable, exciting, ambitious and fun day.