JANUARY 2, 2025


I am wishing you and yours a very Happy, Healthy, Prosperous, adventurous, and safe 2025.

The holiday season is over and hopefully things around here will return to somewhat of a normal schedule. Even Sierra is confused with meal time and bed time and the comings and goings, especially Tina and her work schedule. Instead of leaving at 6:00 she was leaving at 7:00, and returning home at the normal time. Unless, of course, she stopped for whatever reason. Monday things go back to normal for a bit. I am not sure if they will close for President Carter’s day of remembrance or not. That would make next week off kilter once again. What will be will be.

Christmas dinner was at Jerry and Tammy’s home. It was fun and the meal delicious. Jerry cooked the prime rib, while Tammy, Melissa and Dottie prepared the rest of the meal. All was so good. Of course the desserts were equally as good. Tammy made a pumpkin pudding type dish that was wonderful. There was also pumpkin pie, lemon meringue pie, pineapple upside down cake, and a cranberry orange bread. All so good. I believe they said that the calories were removed prior to serving.


Welcome to the first Friday in the new year. My computer is acting up, or else the internet is acting up, so it kept cutting cut. So, you will get two days in one. Please enjoy.

I am very sadly reporting the loss of one of my friends of many years. Emily Harter passed away, I believe, New Years Day. She was a very talented lady, a great friend, a loving, kind, and giving person. She was a Christian, doing her bet to follow the Commandments. She was a retired teacher, and one of my most cherished critics when writing my stories. She kept reminding me that I went to school and did very well in English. I kept reminding her that I am the world’s wort speller. I am so thankful that she was in my life, and even though I will miss her greatly, I am pleased that she is a peace and rest now. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family.

The weather is acting very much like winter. It is cold, overcast and promising rain, snow mix, or one of each in the next three days. The mid west through the north is is getting the fridged temperatures now and also the snow. They are turning “white” as I type. Here, it hasn’t done anything so far, and probably won’t until later on or tomorrow. I believe a trip to Home Depot will occur today, just in case. We need a filter for the fridge and a light bulb for the new lamp I received for my desk. It takes a weird light bulb. I hope that we can get one as it would make a great desk lamp, I believe.

One of my gifts is a Weather X radio. I have to charge it, but will have it on once I get it charged. Weather has always interested me, so this will be a great tool to keep me informed on roads, storms, etc.

I also received a new watch that keeps me on my toes as it measures my steps, heart rate, EKG, and a few other things. It is fantastic. It goes well with the new warm up suite that I received, and the new sweater. I think all got together to make sure all went well together. So many nice and useful gifts, and my thanks to one and all.

Time to get busy around here. A lot to do since all the Christmas decorations are down and out of the house. Out comes the vacuum and dust cloth, and mop, They will be busy for a few hours today.

Quote of the day: “Its O.K. to call an avid reader a book worm, But, somehow calling a music buff a tape worm just doesn’t sound right.” From my Mom’s book if facts, household hints, and such.

All quotes will be from her notes and such, or mine. Enjoy!

Have a great Friday and a spectacular weekend. Stay warm and dry, healthy and safe.
