A beautiful day here in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Sunny, breezy and right now the temperature is 52 degree. It was 23 when we got up this morning, so appreciate the sunshine. It helps warm the house up and brightens the rooms wonderfully. Sierra has enjoyed it very much.
I got busy this morning and started cleaning out the file cabinet. I have one section done and a few more left to do. There is always surprises awaiting in some of the files, so it pays to look carefully. Today I found a credit card, not activated. I shredded it. Also a few misfiled papers. Only me to blame on that one. Will do more this weekend I believe.
Tina went to Crafty Crafters last evening and said it was so much fun catching up with the ladies
They all had stories to tell and things to share. Lorena told how she has a 1-1/2 quart crockpot and she prepares most of her dinners in it. She will make a roast one night, with the veggie, etc and that will be one nights dinner. the nest night she cuts up part of the roast into small chunks and makes mashed potatoes our of the ones left from the night before and serves the cut up roast with gravy over the mashed potatoes. The third night is a roast beef sandwich. She lives alone, so this way she has a new dish every night, and serves it in a mug so very few dishes or pots and pans. She does this with many recipes and it works well. At least for her. Tina said all the ladies thought it a good idea but none seemed to hep on a “meal in a cup”.
One of the ladies got in an accident yesterday or the day before and her car was totaled. She thought the car in front of her was turning so she kept going, and hit it. The ar she hit didn’t get damaged but hers was totaled. Fortunately, no one was hurt, She is the lady we have nicknamed “The Energizer Bunny”.
I have felt and done much better today so do believe I am o the mend. I hope so. I am going out tomorrow, with a mask if need be. I need fresh air, sunshine and human company. Sierra is good company, and Tina is good company, but she is at work, then home, dinner and soon after. Sierra is good company, bossy, either wanting attention or off to one of her secret hiding places for a long nap.
Wah’s Handy Hint of the Day: ” When a cutting from a potted plant is hard to root, cover it with a clean drinking glass until it takes root.”
Time to prepare diner. I wonder if Tina will appreciate it in a cup? It is 15 bean soup and corned bread.
Have a great rest of your day. Make it pleasant, relaxing, enjoyable and fun day.