A rainy, chilly day until about 20 minutes ago when the sun came out. The temperature is now 48 degrees. Thirty minutes ago it was 45. It was 38 when we got up this morning. Winter is still upon us.

How was your weekend? Ours was good. Saturday we got up, had our coffee, showered and got dressed. We had to strip Tina’s bed down to the mattress as Sierra gave her a hairball, It got the sheet, mattress pad, and a bit on the floor. What a wake up call. So we got the mattress pad washed and in the dryer, then got the sheets in the washer, and left.

The first stop was at Tammy’s so we could see if we wanted one of the couches and possible trade them our recliners. Tina sat in it, reclined and said it was really comfortable. Then she went to get out and had a hard time as one has to use their legs to push the foot\leg back. She finally made it and said she didn’t think we could use that, so the answer on that is no. I didn’t try it as I had sat in it before and had a the same problem she did. Tammy said that she knew that it was extremely hard to put back in its original position. We visited a few and played with the dogs. They are so fun and so cute.

The next stop was where Tina bought her car as she needed some paper work. they told her it was on her phone.

The next stop was to get our hair cut, then on to Dottie’s to pick her up. By this time it is past lunch time so we had lunch at the Texas Road House as Tina had a gift card, That was good. Next was to Jerry’s Jerry’s new place so he could look at the papers on her phone. I was so surprised at how much had been done outside. The new fence is up surrounding the acre that the dogs will have to run and romp and play. It is so pretty. He and his father in law and Dillon were working on building a fence to go on the deck or back porch, and then a ramp from the corner of the deck to the dogs yard. They will be able to come on the deck but not in the yard where the swimming pool is. It is quite an interesting way for them to get from one place to their yard. I can’t wait to see that finished.

After that we took Dottie home and we headed home. I did get my nails done. Just a manicure. They look so much better now. We were tired so put off grocery shopping until Sunday.

Sunday we went to church, then grocery shopping and home to laundry and TV. A more or less a relaxing day. In the evening we watched Extreme Makeover. It is so good. Then finding your Roots. Both are interesting and enjoyable.

Today I went to lunch with a bunch of the ladies from the Bible Class. there were only five of us today but hope we have more for Bible Study on Monday.

Wah’s Household Hints: “Ink marks on shirts and washables can often be removed by promptly spraying spot with hairspray. Let dry, then rub off. Repeat if necessary.”

Have a great rest of your day. Make it a cheerful, productive, active and fun day.
