A beautiful sunny day, temperature is 53 degrees, a slight breeze and not a cloud to be seen in the beautiful blue sky. So nice to see warmer weather, with sunshine, as it has been a long, cold month. I think, or rather, hope the fridged weather is over now. I love having the front door open and the sun shining in the glass storm door. It makes the room brighter and cheerier.

Charlene texted me and told me that Mr. Jefferson, her sweet puppy dog, has passed away. He was a good dog, a very loved and close companion with Charlene. I am thankful that he isn’t suffering, but know he will be missed greatly by her, and all who knew him. I know that Tina and I will miss him, hearing about his adventures and antics, seeing his pictures. He was my day time companion when we lived in the apartment in Vegas. Charlene had to work, so I would go get him and bring him home to spend most of the day with Sierra and I. They got along well, ignoring each other for the most part. Occasionally they would nap together on the couch.

Today I have been cleaning out files for the most part. That is a yearly job, and not my favorite one. I have shredder, pulled staples and just tossed quite a bit, and still have more to go. I will be very happy when this project is completed. I doubt I will save quite as much this year. But I am thankful that I saved all the Guidepost receipts as every two or three months they would send a letter telling me that they hadn’t received my payment for such and such a book/ I would find the cancelled check, and where I had written the check #, date, amount on the receipt portion, make copies of it all and mail it back to them. The last one I wrote cancel my account and please don’t send me anything else.

Wah’s Household Hints: “Keep a piece of sandpaper handy when pressing pleats. Slip the sandpaper under the pleat to be pressed.” That is all she wrote on that subject so will try it one day and see how it works.

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a productive, profitable, caring, kind and fun day.
