Monday, February 2, 2025


That poor groundhog was woke up early just to see if he would or would not see his shadow. Of course, he saw it. Now we will have six more weeks of winter. He probably saw his shadow so he could go back to sleep for another six weeks and get in his required six weeks of rest. He hibernates, I believe. That being said, today, here in Oak Ridge, it is sunny, slightly breezy, and 70 degrees at 5:29 p.m. A beautiful day in the neighborhood.

After such a busy weekend I haven’t done much today. this morning I went to bible study. It is the first one of the month as the bad weather has prevented most of the ladies from being able to get to the church. So many have curvy, hilly and mountain roads to drive, and they are the last to be cleared or treated after a snow storm or icy conditions.

We are still on chapter 7 in Daniels and Chapter 13 in Revelations. Both books are very much they are connected. It is proving to be an interesting and educational study. I am finding a lot of history, a lot of comparisons from then to now, and geography changes from then to now. Who knew? One lady was shocked to learn that Jewish are a race of people, not just what people from Isaiah are called. We, who live in America are called Americans, but we, and our ancestors, are of many nationalities, but we are still called Americans, American Indian verses Indians from India; Asian Indians, etc. We are all God’s creation and therefore are all human beings.

The mention of the different kings and nations and how they fought for whatever they thought was important at the time showed how the names and boundary lines of different nations or countries came in to play and how some of them received the name they have today.

Wah’s Household Hints: “Egg stains can be removed from silver by vigorously with common table salt.”

Have a great rest of your first Monday of February. Make it a energetic, productive, positive, and fun day.
