A beautiful Monday afternoon. the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. There are clouds slipping in quietly, preparing to bring us rain later on tonight and into to the morning. The start of a major rain that is said to last for two full days, plus what ever we get tonight and tomorrow. The temperature right now is 50 degrees, but will drop once the sun goes down or the clouds roll in, and that is about as warm as it will be for a while.
Friday I went with Tina and Dottie to lunch at the Cantina then to Dottie’s eye doctor appointment. Once she was through with that we took her home and we went to Joann’s. It looks very much like they are going out of business. Tina got the blanket material she needed and we bought a few more things that were on sale. WE hope to go back this coming Saturday and see if they are truly going out of business, and what they have on sale, if anything. The sale is good, so far. A lot of stuff 70% off, 59 % off, etc. For Joann’s, it was a very good sale.
When we left there we came home. Jerry, Bryan, Deagan and Chael had brought the furniture that I wanted from Jerry’s, and so I was so excited. It is pretty. I was sorry that I didn’t get to see them as I haven’s seen them for quite awhile. It has been two years since I saw Bryan and was doubly sorry I didn’t get to see him. But, hopefully they all will be back soon. I know we get Tevia for a week end the 27th and are looking forward to that. she is a sweet girl and lots of fun. The boys are Papa’s as he is the gamer tech, but Tevia is happy with us as we do girly things. Once summer comes she will want to hang with Papa and Tammy as they have a pool and we are lacking in that department.
Saturday I woke up with my ankle swollen and hurting so texted Jerry and Tammy and said that I wouldn’t be there and told them why. I was going to help clean but with the ankle swollen and hurting I didn’t dare. so I stayed home and mostly sat with my foot in the air, propped . I did get up and do a little bit, but was told to sit down. or quit or stop. So I did next to nothing. Tina was very busy dusting and arranging furniture, cooking and laundry. She made pork chops, rice and broccoli for dinner. It was very good. The big corner shelves and cupboard we got is perfect and she fixed that up, got the TV room all put in place and was just a busy little Susie Homemaker.
Sunday we went to church, stopped at Walmart for a couple of things, and home. She worked on a project she has going, watched TV and napped. I watched TV and napped and that was about it. Today she went to work and I have done some around the house. The ankle is still a little swollen but otherwise doing well. I am not pushing it so as not to aggravate it. I hope to have it much better tomorrow and I can get some more done around here. I can always prop it up on the stool under the desk and work on stories.
Wah’s House Hold Hints: “Scorch” You can remove scorch from linens by placing the spot between tow dampened Turkish towels. Press the scorched area wit a hot iron. The stain will go into the towels where it can be washed out.”
Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a pleasant, productive, caring, kind, and fun day.