A sunny, windy, cool, with a few high clouds. the time is 4:20 p.m. and the temperature is 44 degrees. I am considering turning up the heat a bit as the temperature is dropping and I do feel it in here. It is nice to see sunshine and feel its warmth coming through the glass storm door. The sun is still shining but not coming through the glass door so we are not receiving the heat from it. Time to close the main door. But, Sierra is sitting in front of the door watching a couple of birds and a few leaves blowing around. She enjoys the the door being open and being able to really see the animals and insects outside.

Today is my son Jerry’s birthday. He is celebrating by working. I believe we might get to celebrate his big day this weekend. I am amazed that all four of these baby boys of mine are now grown men with families and grandchildren of their own. Jerry has three grandchildren, the oldest one received his driver’s license last month! Happy Birthday, my son.

I just looked and the temperature has dropped 2 degrees in the last seven minutes. It is going to be cold tonight and when that alarm goes off in the morning. Yes, it is still winter. Time to get the long johns out again!

Wah’s House Hold Hints: “Suede Shoes”: Try a little vinegar to restore appearance of suede shoes. Apply with moistened cloth, let dry, Then rub with suede brush.”

Enjoy the rest of your Thursday. Make it a prosperous, productive, pleasant, and fun day.



The rain is still with us. So far no flooding here but there is a chance. I don’t expect we will get flooded here as in the past it has come up to the door but no farther. Tina said that at the corner of Oak Ridge Turnpike and where you turn into our little village it is flooded. That was this morning so it is probably worse by now. The news just said that Oak Ridge area has had 2 to 3 inches of rain in the past 48 hours so there is flooding in some spots and the potential of flooding. they asked for people to please stay off the roads unless absolutely necessary. I agree. No crafts for us tonight.

Today I have gotten a bit more done as far as getting the house back in order. It looks pretty good at the moment. I even have the craft room done so I can go in there and work. I sure am behind in the projects I had planned for the month.

Tina went to PT this morning. She said she hurts all over and has more exercises to do. She has to use the elliptical machine every day, twice if possible. That is one reason I got the craft room cleaned up and in good order. She will be in there to use the machine. I do hope she does well and gets all the kinks worked out and feels better. The rain doesn’t help with the joint aches and is a

The weatherman is saying that Knoxville has several street with standing water. There is a lot of “Turn around, Don’t drown.” It will get wore before it gets better. Tomorrow and Friday are to be mostly dry, but the weekend will bring more rain. The rain should end tomorrow morning sometime,, so, we shall see.

Jerry will celebrate his birthday with ending rain. I am sure that will make him happy, and at least three of his dogs. The little ones don’t like the rain. The big ones don’t mind it. I am wondering how his new yard is doing? and new house? and old yard? and old house?. they are talking about puddles and lakes and flooding and pot holes and leaks, etc. The morning news should be interesting. Maybe we should get Jerry a boat for his birthday??.

I do feel bad for the people who went through Helen, the hurricane that caused so much flooding, ruined homes, businesses, land, roads, etc. they are still struggling with the aftermath from that. It is so sad. I hope that they don’t have more damage from these storms.

Wah’s House Hold Hints: “Children’s Trip” When taking little children on a motor trip, pack a few oranges, slice and wrapped in foil. They’ll quench thirst and prevent car sickness.”

Have a great , dry, warm, cheerful and fun rest of your Wednesday.



It’s raining, it’s pouring, the old man is snoring! Well, it is raining and has been most of the day. It quits for about ten minutes, then starts again. We will have rain through early Thursday morning. I don’t know how early Thursday morning. Most of Thursday and Friday are supposed to be “dry” and then we get rain for the weekend. Tomorrow will be cooler then today, and today isn’t what you would call warm. It is 3:44 p.m. and 41 degrees. The groundhog didn’t lie this year.

With the rain and possible flooding I am not sure we will have Crafts tomorrow evening. I guess it will depend on who can get out of their driveways, up or down their hills, etc. I doubt we will have a problem but I know some will. Also, with the flu in high gear, who knows who is ill. That stuff is going rapid all across the country. It is hard to believe that schools are closed all over the United States due to illness. It is the Flu, RSV, Covid causing all the problems, with measles, TB, and whooping cough thrown in for good measure. I know that so many people don’t want to get the vaccines but they keep away the majority of these problems, and if a vaccinated person does come down with one of them it isn’t as bad as if they hadn’t had the vaccine. There is a man here, in the hospital, on a ventilator, praying that he can get well by the 25th to walk his daughter down the isle. I believe they were to start weaning him off the ventilator today.

Dinner tonight will be Hamburger Helper Deluxe Beef Stroganoff, and a veggie. Probably pop corn while we watch TV. Nothing exciting but need to use some milk before it expires. I think tomorrow I will make stew. Something hot and filing, a comfort food.

Wah’s Household Hints: “Suction Cups” To keep suction cups in place, first rub the edges well ovver a cake of soap.

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a interesting, educational, adventurous and fun day,



A beautiful Monday afternoon. the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. There are clouds slipping in quietly, preparing to bring us rain later on tonight and into to the morning. The start of a major rain that is said to last for two full days, plus what ever we get tonight and tomorrow. The temperature right now is 50 degrees, but will drop once the sun goes down or the clouds roll in, and that is about as warm as it will be for a while.

Friday I went with Tina and Dottie to lunch at the Cantina then to Dottie’s eye doctor appointment. Once she was through with that we took her home and we went to Joann’s. It looks very much like they are going out of business. Tina got the blanket material she needed and we bought a few more things that were on sale. WE hope to go back this coming Saturday and see if they are truly going out of business, and what they have on sale, if anything. The sale is good, so far. A lot of stuff 70% off, 59 % off, etc. For Joann’s, it was a very good sale.

When we left there we came home. Jerry, Bryan, Deagan and Chael had brought the furniture that I wanted from Jerry’s, and so I was so excited. It is pretty. I was sorry that I didn’t get to see them as I haven’s seen them for quite awhile. It has been two years since I saw Bryan and was doubly sorry I didn’t get to see him. But, hopefully they all will be back soon. I know we get Tevia for a week end the 27th and are looking forward to that. she is a sweet girl and lots of fun. The boys are Papa’s as he is the gamer tech, but Tevia is happy with us as we do girly things. Once summer comes she will want to hang with Papa and Tammy as they have a pool and we are lacking in that department.

Saturday I woke up with my ankle swollen and hurting so texted Jerry and Tammy and said that I wouldn’t be there and told them why. I was going to help clean but with the ankle swollen and hurting I didn’t dare. so I stayed home and mostly sat with my foot in the air, propped . I did get up and do a little bit, but was told to sit down. or quit or stop. So I did next to nothing. Tina was very busy dusting and arranging furniture, cooking and laundry. She made pork chops, rice and broccoli for dinner. It was very good. The big corner shelves and cupboard we got is perfect and she fixed that up, got the TV room all put in place and was just a busy little Susie Homemaker.

Sunday we went to church, stopped at Walmart for a couple of things, and home. She worked on a project she has going, watched TV and napped. I watched TV and napped and that was about it. Today she went to work and I have done some around the house. The ankle is still a little swollen but otherwise doing well. I am not pushing it so as not to aggravate it. I hope to have it much better tomorrow and I can get some more done around here. I can always prop it up on the stool under the desk and work on stories.

Wah’s House Hold Hints: “Scorch” You can remove scorch from linens by placing the spot between tow dampened Turkish towels. Press the scorched area wit a hot iron. The stain will go into the towels where it can be washed out.”

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a pleasant, productive, caring, kind, and fun day.
